Do I need antivirus protection for my Windows 7.8 phone?


New member
Jan 15, 2015
Hello! I'd be very grateful if someone would be kind enough to give me some advice.

I have a Nokia Lumia 710 which runs Windows Phone 7.8 which is just over two years old.

Do I need antivirus protection for it? I don't download a lot of apps -- I got Skype ages ago (and I think I got the Firefix app too if that didn't come with the phone -- I don't think it did), and yesterday I got a mobile banking app for my account, but that's it (I don't even have the Facebook app). Other than that, I use the internet on my phone fairly regularly ? I don't go to really questionable sites or anything, but I do sometimes look at lyrics sites.
However, because I have Office on my phone, I use it like a notebook, so I have a lot of important documents on it (I'm writing a novel), and I wouldn't want any of them to be compromised!!

Very grateful for any advice anyone can give me. Thanks very much! :)
Nope, you don't need any antivirus software. Tbh, there isn't even any way such a tool could effectively work on Windows Phone devices. As long as you make sure your password is strong enough, you should be safe enough. :)

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