Do you like hardware buttons for your phone?

i do like it a lot it gives the phone identity its preferred but not a deal breaker
I wouldn't call it a dealbreaker, but, the camera button is a selling point for Windows phone! Unless they do something truly revolutionary to make shooting a picture from the pocket as easy as it is right now without a button, I'll be disappointed by any phone that doesn't include one. I get the feeling they'll do a swipe down from the lock screen to launch the camera like they have for Win8, but, that's not a good alternative IMO.
I HATE on-screen buttons, but have never owned a smartphone with on-screen buttons. The form factor will look nicer on the hardware, BUT you instantly/permanently lose screen real estate (which I hate)! Plus I like all my physical buttons. They should at least always keep the camera button tho (because you can always use the on-screen tap if you prefer anyways).
I'm against removing the hardware buttons, unless the on-screen buttons will be like the Windows 8 Charms bar where they can be hidden and swiped away.
Am I the only one who thinks that the WP8.1 onscreen buttons look to small and may not be very finger friendly?
I like the on screen buttons, because the capacitive buttons are far too easy to hit while playing a game. As for the camera button, I like having it. Pretty simple opinion, really.
I NEED the option to disable the capacitive buttons while I'm gaming!!! I hope so much that this option is in 8.1

If they put it as a toggle in the new action menu that would be perfect...
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I hate the capacitive buttons on my HTC 8X. Anytime I hold my phone in landscape mode, I end up inadvertently tapping one of them. If I hand my phone to someone to show them a picture, the same thing happens. I want them on screen buttons so that this frustration can go away.
I would make a big distinction between the physical buttons and the capacitive ones.
The capacitive buttons won't be missed to me, while the physical ones are a must and I would like to have more of them.
There are many occasions when the touch screen of my 620 just doesn't work (as example, when it rains or when I'm doing some sport and I have swetty hands).
I don't expect to be able to browse the web in those situation, but I do expect to be able to adjust the volume.

What I would really like is few physical buttons (4 like actual Nokias would be ok) that smartly change behavior according to the situation and the preference.
An example, the camera button could act as camera button when the camera app is actually open and as "skip the song" when the music is playing.
I can't wait for the virtual there front-facing buttons, mainly because I'm too lazy to move my thumb all the way to the side of the screen when I'm using my phone in landscape mode.

Since WP8.1 is more of an update to catch up with the competition, I think companies that are or will be making Windows Phones should to try to set something like a new industry standard by getting rid of pushable buttons altogether. What I'm thinking of is having no hardware buttons to create a featureless phone that could turn on by applying force to the screen (pushing on it with a finger). The volume could be changed and camera turned on using vibrating buttons on the side which would function like the current voice command home button that needs to be pressed and held to operate. I know this sounds like some crazy concept phone, but this seems like a step toward future smartphones to me.
I prefer the physical buttons, but wouldn't rule out a phone with onscreen buttons. But no camera button would be a deal breaker for me.
Since the Nexus 7 has software buttons, I can say I don't like them. I hit them accidentally often. Yes they do disappear after a bit, but it is wasted screen space. What is so bad about buttons? No matter what the camera button needs to stay, so handy.
Nokia fan here. I welcome the on-screen buttons, but the physical camera button is and MUST stay as a differentiating point from Nokia since materials and construction quality have always been outstanding. Keep it!
I should say, I voted as "deal breaker" but only because there wasn't a "camera button is needed" option. [EDIT] I could live without the physical buttons I think as I have never had a phone without physical buttons. People should not say they like or hate the new thing unless they have used both... [/EDIT]

The 3 main buttons aren't needed as physical, at least, I don't think so.

Yes. I believe the primary purpose of a smartphone is to make and answer phone calls. It shouldn't involve so many steps.
Pretty sure phone calls are not over 50% of smartphones usage, or even the largest feature they are used for.

It is dark right now and my capacitive buttons blind me because they are so bright. I would like to use software buttons plus hardware camera buttons. I really like that the navigation bar can be set to your accent color.
battery saver turns them off :) [/EDIT]
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I really like physical buttons, but I could adjust to the buttons being on screen.
1. It opens more hardware companies to make windows phone and to load WP8.1 onto phone they make for other OS
2. it can remove large amount of black around the screen, an issues some critics hate in the earlier lumia lines.
3. More customization with these buttons that is coming to WP8.1 (match theme color)

But I hope there is still an opition for a camera button, it would just narrow down my selection. If they did not require a physical camera button that would be fine as long as the Lumia line and other lines if they choose keep a camera button. Because I like physical buttons.
I like that they are standard. When I had Android, I switched from HTC to Samsung and I remember two of the buttons were switched and it took me a while to get used to the new configuration.

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