Do you participate in any of the other mobile nations communities?


Active member
Feb 6, 2015
I'm just curious to know your impressions. No insults or negative remarks please.

For myself, I have noticed that in both Android Central and iMore, people are nice like how they are here. I also noticed that Windows Central seems to have varied activity in the different grades of phones, and that actually isn't very common or at least I haven't seen it on Android Central as much.

I'll like to know your observations, and impressions, and of course, if you participate.
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New member
Dec 20, 2012
I participate in Windows Central (primary) and Android Central (secondary) as I'm a dual user of both OSes. Moonlighted a few times in the mobile trap-house (AKA Crackberry forums) and while it was rough and tumble a little bit, i would go back there again anytime i needed to. I miss WebOS forums and commented there to the same level of positive feedback to the two forums i frequent nowadays.

I've commented on iMore a few times to illicit thoughtful discussion and had a ****ty experience, so that means I'm never going back there.

Different people's mileage will vary.

Posted approved via Moto Maxx


Active member
Feb 6, 2015
I participate in Windows Central (primary) and Android Central (secondary) as I'm a dual user of both OSes. Moonlighted a few times in the mobile trap-house (AKA Crackberry forums) and while it was rough and tumble a little bit, i would go back there again anytime i needed to. I miss WebOS forums and commented there to the same level of positive feedback to the two forums i frequent nowadays.

I've commented on iMore a few times to illicit thoughtful discussion and had a ****ty experience, so that means I'm never going back there.

Different people's mileage will vary.

Posted approved via Moto Maxx

Ahh that sounds rough about the experience at iMore but the rest is cool.

It's interesting that you say that because it seems like a lot of the forums are just really quiet. Pretty much the latest iPhone forums are active. Everything else is just, nope. Windows Central is also my primary too. Even though I have been using Android as my daily driver for 3 weeks now, that has really made me post on Android Central, but not less on Windows Central.


Ambassador Team Leader
Nov 4, 2013
In the past a little on AC mostly in the ZF2 and one or two posts on the Z1s forums.
I tried Connectedly and that died off sadly.

About it for this MN junkie...

Laura Knotek

Retired Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
I participate in all of them.

I'm most active on WindowsCentral and AndroidCentral, since I use Windows and Android devices.

I also participate in CrackBerry, since that was the site where I started when I used BlackBerry devices. I also know quite a few folks on CrackBerry, and I like to keep in touch with the great folks I've gotten to know there.

I check out iMore, since I know a lot of folks there who were originally on CrackBerry or WindowsCentral. They're great folks too, and I like to stay in touch. I also have family and friends who use iPhones but don't use forums, so I'm their source of iPhone help via what I learn on iMore.

I check out Connectedly for stuff related to the Pebble smartwatch I have. I mainly lurk, rather than post, since I find what I need just by reading the excellent tips other members have posted. I'll do a review of the Pebble on Connectedly, once I have time to do so.

Mobile Nations forums are awesome, no matter which site you choose to visit!


New member
Jun 1, 2014
Nope only WC, basically as the only other device which I have which isn't Windows is an Android tablet which I don't use that often.


Active member
Nov 10, 2013
I use WC (primary) and AC (secondary) and iMore (tertiary).....Crackberry is once in a blue moon and Connectedly I haven't logged into in ages. I usually say hello on iMore and AC on their version of the Off Topic Lounge chat challenge with the regulars on the other two MN sites.

I use WP and Android devices on a regular basis. My other family members use iOS so I visit iMore to troubleshoot their technology problems. Crackberry is primarily to help some friends usually purchase a device on their Marketplace.

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