It's just that I can't sell my Surface Pro 3 and be Surface-less until the 4 is released, because not only will I be without my Arts Device, but I don't know how much the base model of the Surface Pro 4 will be and if this years base model processor will be much if at all an upgrade to the i3 in the last gen base model...
I don't want to sell my i3 for around $450 thinking I'll only need like $350 more for the 4, and the 4 ends up starting higher than $799 for the base model. Then I would be Surface-less and won't have enough for the latest 4... Because if the new Surface has more than a $350 difference in value between it and my i3, I won't be able to get it until the price starts to drop... So I am really hoping it starts at $799 like the i3 did