Does 8X Have Screen Coating?


New member
Jul 21, 2013
So I just recently did a direct trade via Craigslist for my iPhone 4S 16GB for a Blue 8X (sweet deal!) and was in no place to complain that the screen had some scratches on it.

Well, there are two decent scratches (can be felt with fingernail) but the entire screen has teeny tiny VERY light scratches all over it. I've been researching and researching and am all ready to buy some car polish to try to buff out the tiny scratches but now I'm thinking and am worried about whether or not the screen has a special coating of some sort? Perhaps oleophobic or something to minimize fingerprints? I'm totally comfortable polish and maybe even sanding (2000+ grit, wet) but I don't want to remove a coating and cause strange issues. Lots of people online seem to have had good success with high-grit wet sanding and the polishing their glass-screen smartphones but none of them mention any coatings.

Do any of you know if the 8X's Gorilla Glass is bare glass or if it has any coatings?

I'm a WP dealer and have noticed that some 8Xs do get scratches very easily, like those hairline scratches you mentioned, while others don't. I read somewhere that a few batches might have some sort of defect or coating that causes the issue.
Well I'm not sure whether it has a coating or not but it just may because it's proving to be a PITA. I started sanding with 2400 grit paper and from tutorials I've found most started with 1600. At any rate, 2400 didn't seem to be doing anything and I worked my way down to 1000 grit to really get some bite (maybe because it's Gorilla Glass?). So I got rid of the few deep scratches but now I can't seem to get rid of the 1000 grit scratches. I worked and worked with 1500, then 2000, then 2400 and then polish but everything is still there. I spent about an hour today polishing one very small spot in the middle of my screen by hand and made some progress. When I get home I'm going to take my orbital buffer to it with some machine polish 2 and see what I can get done, I'm hoping I have good luck. Right now it looks absolutely horrendous and I'm wishing I hadn't messed with it but hopefully I'll make some head-way tonight, I'll post back with an update.

BTW, I think everything would have been fine if I tried to only get out the deep scratches but I wanted a "like new" screen so I tried to do the whole screen which seems like maybe I bit off more than I can chew.
I'm a WP dealer and have noticed that some 8Xs do get scratches very easily, like those hairline scratches you mentioned, while others don't. I read somewhere that a few batches might have some sort of defect or coating that causes the issue.

Maybe I can convince someone that it got this bad from being in my pocket with keys and get a new screen?!?! Haha, one can wish.

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