Does anyone still own a T-Mobile Nokia Lumia 810 ?


New member
Oct 16, 2015
I had an 810 as my first smartphone in 2012. That was my first experience with windows phone. Have liked the OS since.
It's a shame the NL 810 was discontinued after only 4 or 5 months. Windows 8 was such a smooth system with that phone. Loved it. Removable battery and back cover. That was such a solid phone.
Then the 925 came out next and got that, but as nice as the 925 was; the 810 was much smoother I thought. Everything just flowed with that OS. I'm a driver so I really made lots of use with the HERE drive navigation.

Anyway here we are in 2016 and we have windows phones with removable covers and and batteries again. Prefer this set-up as we can always pop in a replacement battery if the need arises.

Anybody else out there liked L810. ? What a shame it was EOL'd so soon.

Wes Smith

New member
Jun 19, 2015
You can blame Tmobile of EOL'ing it. John legere is on twitter, tweet and yell at him for doing that and violating net neutrality while you are at it. I never had a t-mob branded phone.

T Moore

New member
Jan 21, 2013
Don't you just love T-Mobile.
Verizon is the only carrier that went on with their 822 all the way to Denim. AT&T left their 820 at Cyan and T-Mobile never got past amber with the 810, all basically the same phone.


New member
Oct 16, 2015
You can blame Tmobile of EOL'ing it. John legere is on twitter, tweet and yell at him for doing that and violating net neutrality while you are at it. I never had a t-mob branded phone.

I remember hearing that T-Mobile was to blame for the 810's early demise. Was new to the platform 3 years ago, so I got over it when I got the next "flagship" the 925. I have been with T-Mobile since 2000, and overall I am satisfied with their service, but I see they are not proponents of the windows mobile platform.
The only other carrier I thought about a possible switch to was att as they are a supporter of windows.
I'm not going to leave T-Mobile though as my 950 and 550 run fine with T-Mobile.
Maybe I do need to be vocal to the CEO of Tmo about it's support for those of us who use and prefer the windows platform.

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