Does AZURE website hosting include domain regitration?


New member
Jun 5, 2012
AZURE website hosting

I'm a student dev getting ready to branch out and start bringing some bread home. All of my work/learning thus far has been front-end with HTML5, CSS, and a little JScript so this will be new for me.

I have a potential client that i'm going to need to build a website for, but i'm torn between GoDaddy and Azure. I need both domain registration and hosting. I don't mess with any of those "site-builder" wizards, i'll be doing everything from scratch. I also have another potential client that i will be propositioning in a few months for a site and mobile app with an SQL back-end. (The apps are to be cross-platform iOS, WP/10, and Android)

For the latter client, and in general I've been leaning towards Azure.

My question, does Azure website hosting include domain registration?

If it doesn't, how do i host on Azure but register with GoDaddy? Will this not just cause problems for me later?

Thanks WPenvy​
Re: AZURE website hosting

You cannot register a domain name with Azure, you can do that using another domain registrar (like GoDaddy) and then just point your Azure website to the domain you purchase. There should be no problems if you buy your domain from go daddy and then point it to azure.

When it comes to SQL, basically every website hosting supports this nowdays, so its up to you and the client needs.

If you need to send push notifications for your mobile app i would suggest Azure, since makes its easier to reach iOS, Android and Windows Store apps via notification hubs.

In short, if its a simple website, and you are not going to use a lot of space in you SQL database, no push notifications and a simple app, i would go for another webhosting solution, but if your website will be big/huge and it needs push notifications and pontentially big SQL Databases, i would go for Azure.

Hope that helps.
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