Does iPhone X grab you?

I have no plan to leave my L950XL which serves me great. If I have to switch, I would more likely to go with Note 8. With its S-pen, it has better value than iPhone X.
I just changed the battery to my 950XL, so I think it will last one more year. If by that time there is no Surface phone in sight I probably will swap to Apple.

But... what bothered me in yesterday's event was the feeling of what could have been. From WebOS to Nokia N9, there was something very similar in iPhone X.

The whole demonstration of AR made me think of an opportunity missed by Nokia and Microsoft. Anyone remember Job Lens on Lumias, or the maps overlayed on street view? All of that is gone, done and dusted. And now Apple takes the credit.

It shouldn't be impossible to beat what Apple put together as the "future" phone. I will wait and see. They just gave Microsoft 9-12 months to come up with something really solid.
Samsung Face recognition was very basic.
Apple has taken it up a notch or two by adding the IR + 3D mapper so in that sense it is good.
But still not paying $999 for a couple of extra glorified sensors.
Yep. It uses the same concept/method as the Xbox Kinect. Same type of hardware too it seems
I don't get any WOW factor from it ... well except for what seems like overpricing.
The Palm Pre had wireless charging in 2009. I do think its silly they just got to it now, but Im glad they finally did because it is great. I loved the wireless charging on my Palm Pre back in the day, and on my 950XL. I still wish someone would implement the Palm Pre's touchstone style charging though, which used a magnet to keep it in place in a recliner position. Fantastic.

As for the price tag, ouch. However, if you dont change your phone for a few years, it wouldn't be so bad. The problem with most android oems is that they dont upgrade or support their phones much. The only one with a guaranteed upgrade really is the Pixel, and that's not much difference in price to an iPhone. Its pretty slack for an OEM to release a sweet phone only to keep it on Android 5 forever. IPhones at least get iOS upgrades for a number of years.
ok, can we stop saying it is bezzle-less? it's like if Apple says it, everyone becomes blind and just repeats it. THE THING HAS A BEZZLE. It may be the smallest BEZZLE Apple has come out with, but phones like the Xiaomi Mi Mix put it to shame in terms of a bezzle. It's like the emperor's clothes. Apple says it is, so these idiots keep repeating it.
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The only unique feature of the iPhone X is the price tag.
Other than that, absolutely nothing!
Were features copied? Yeah, but what tech company doesn't, so who cares?

Pretty much my sediments too, my main concern is whether the phone we buy has "that" technology and could care less who's idea it was.
I was hopeful but very disappointed. There is very little appeal. I'm going to wait for reviews of the V30. It, or the four-hundred-dollar-cheaper S8+ will be my next phone.

Ya, waiting for the V30 here too. I hope it lives up to the hype.
Re: How do we feel about iPhone X?

So the mighty company that is responsible for all the innovation in the world just launched their newest and greatest innovation of all times. How do we feel about it as windows phone fans. They brought in the wireless charging which was their in Lumia 920. They brought in the facial recognition which is kinda comparable to iris scanner through windows hello in Lumia 950. Two of latest iPhone's greatest features are to some extent were present in these old products. I wanna know what other guys (windows phone fans) feel when they see apple doing it yet again and stealing all the media, social limelight, youtubers with old piece of tech wrapped in shiny new device and presenting it in grandest manner possible. Plus the price. is 1000 USD/1319CAD is justifiable for it?

IMHO don't care who brought it first, will "it" be included in my next phone is my only concern.

As a PAST Windows Phone fan all I can say "good on Apple, shame on MSFT".
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Apple now has added some big improvements that have been around for a long time. Apple does little to pave new paths in development of hardware, just don't tell the fans. They do a great job at bringing those items polished. I think the Face ID will work better than the L950 eye scan, I just do not use it on my 950. Although One big difference that I still love about My 950 over the X would be the SD card, I did not have to pay over $100 for a small increase in storage. I have a 128Gb SD card in my 950 and it was $30. Over all I just do not see that value in a $1,000 iphone x or other iphone too. I do not need this an iphone to show status, so I will stay with my L950 maybe until 2018. Even if I have to go to the bank to deposite a check in place of scanning it.
NOTHING from Apple grabs me. I wish that company would simply disappear from the face of the earth. I'm not giving them my money. I despise that company.
Wireless charging and facial recognition is something that has been out literally for years. Hardly anything to get excited about (although I realize that it's aimed more at current iPhone owners who never experienced those things).

The so called edge to edge screen does indeed have a bezel (albeit a small one). Not as nice as the S8/Note8. Then you have that "notch" at the top that is pretty horrendous looking. Watching a video or looking at pictures will give you a headache with how absolutely jarring that looks. Everything else is par the course: Improved cameras, software and faster processors. Worth $1,000 ? ...

...Yea, that price had me thinking on how the phone business seems exempt from certain customer backlashes that plague other consumer electronic industries. Lets use home consoles as an example: If you launch at a certain price point they will be considered DOA, no matter how impressive the tech is. Take the Xbox One X at $500 (something that everyone in the family can enjoy). It's seriously impressive but at that price people always debate the potential success of it because of how "expensive" it is. Yet the cell phone business chugs along spitting out ever more expensive phones (just for a single person mind you) and in the grand scheme of things hardly anyone complains and these things sell out guaranteed. For a family of 4 that is an easy $4,000. Mind numbing.
And would you move to one from your Windows phone if you're still using one? Is it the one you've been waiting for?!


I gave my Lumia 950 to my son because he lost his 635.
I have a 950XL thats got a broken screen sitting in a drawer because I haven't been assed to fix it.

So I got a Galaxy S8+ through work, and I hate it... I hate Android. Its slow, and buggy as S***. Can't wait until a new windows device comes out that can fit in my pocket with telephony.

Jesus, on Android, sometimes I don't even have any apps open but messaging and the typing lags to hell. Having any game open in the background brings the whole system to a crawl.
The settings are a nightmare to navigate.
And their swipe keyboard is honestly the worst thing I've ever seen. I'll swipe "backing" and the result will be "backi g"... WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?! it happens on just about every 'ing' word too.
It often just gives me something that's not a word at all, like 'brimg' instead of 'bring'

Oh, but this is about iPhone X.
Nope. Too expensive for a phone that has features I've been using in my windows phones for 4+ yrs. Too static of a UI. Too Apple-fied... arrogant aholes that they are.
No, my 950 is far better and it's from a previous generation. Let's wait for the next mobile device from Microsoft...

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