Does Microsoft Launcher affect the Phone app's display?


New member
Nov 13, 2012
I use Microsoft Launcher on my Samsung Galaxy S10. Something I've noticed, for months, is that the Phone app never shows how many unheard voicemails I have. It never shows even if I have unheard voicemails. As far as the Phone app display, I never have any unheard voicemails.

Which I know is completely WRONG!!!

I've tried making sure that the Phone app at least displays something indicating that I've got some unheard voicemails in Settings. Never makes any difference, because the Phone app will never show me that I have unheard voicemails.

So now I'm thinking its Microsoft's Launcher that's the culprit, disabling any display of the status of unheard voicemails. Am I correct about that?
According to the Google support page for the phone app, it depends on the carrier. I have T-Mobile and I don't even see a voicemail option within the app, which is weird b/c I did on my 950XL. Maybe b/c it had visual voicemail integrated? Anyway, I noticed the same thing as you when I switched to a OnePlus 7T a month ago but I didn't think much of it b/c I don't get many VMs and when I do, I get 2 alerts, from the phone app and visual voicemail. Have you tried uninstalling the launcher to see if it makes a difference?
I use Microsoft Launcher on my Samsung Galaxy S10. Something I've noticed, for months, is that the Phone app never shows how many unheard voicemails I have. It never shows even if I have unheard voicemails. As far as the Phone app display, I never have any unheard voicemails.

Which I know is completely WRONG!!!

I've tried making sure that the Phone app at least displays something indicating that I've got some unheard voicemails in Settings. Never makes any difference, because the Phone app will never show me that I have unheard voicemails.

So now I'm thinking its Microsoft's Launcher that's the culprit, disabling any display of the status of unheard voicemails. Am I correct about that?

In Microsoft Launcher settings, do you see Home Screen/Notification Badges? It may be what you are looking for. You can choose between simple dots and dots with numbers. You can also specify which apps show notification badges.

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