Does this phone ever actually turn Off?


New member
May 18, 2014
So I hold down the power button then swipe to "power off" shuts down... I come back later and the phone is on? Or I, after "power off", plug the phone into a power adapter, and it starts a power on cycle? So does this phone actually Power Off? Maybe I don't understand what power off means here?


So I hold down the power button then swipe to "power off" shuts down... I come back later and the phone is on? Or I, after "power off", plug the phone into a power adapter, and it starts a power on cycle? So does this phone actually Power Off? Maybe I don't understand what power off means here?



Not being able to really shut down the device while being plugged in is default behavior. No idea why Microsoft chose to do so, but you can't change a thing about it. If your device is NOT plugged in, it should shut down just fine and keep powered off though. If it's acting different, there's definitely an issue with it, most likely hardware based.
As far as I remember HTC added an option in their latest firmware update for the 8X and 8XT that allows you to keep your device powered off even while charging. Other OEMs should follow suit imho.
The phone is on when charging. If you have the phone plugged into USB port or the power cord it will shutdown and restart.

Did you have your phone plugged in to anything when turning it off in that first bit?
The phone is on when charging. If you have the phone plugged into USB port or the power cord it will shutdown and restart.

Did you have your phone plugged in to anything when turning it off in that first bit?

Nope, phone was not plugged into anything when I powered off and came back to see it on... it is a bit odd behavior.

I can believe MS doing something "different" when it comes to power. I could also believe some "wake-on" event is happening to cause the power-on to happen.

It's good to know the default behavior "when plugged in"- that's different for this hardware than I'm used to with Samsung Galaxy phones... Thanks.

It's the "not plugged" behavior that's interesting... This phone doesn't have ambient sensors that effect the power state? Does it? What I mean by that... is there's no sensors outside the actual touch screen area that senses movement (these are common on Samsung galaxy devices). But this phone only has a ambient light sensor that is active if the phone is powered on, right?

So I'm thinking there's a radio event that occurs that wakes the phone... either through the WiFi or Cell radios? Or it could just be a hardware/firmware issue... Yeah, it's hard to tell :amaze:

It's definitely a hardware issue. Check if your power button is somehow dirty/stuck. There's definitely no sensor that could work with the device powered off. Neither does WP have any wake on "features".
It's definitely a hardware issue. Check if your power button is somehow dirty/stuck. There's definitely no sensor that could work with the device powered off. Neither does WP have any wake on "features".

It's possible...this phone is only 5 or so days out of the box... and of course I was not the first one to touch it (ATT mounts the sim card before it gets delivered).

I'll have to do some experimenting- it could be I nudge or depress the power button when I pick it up. The power button being in the middle of the edge is something else I will have to get use to...

It's good to know that you can't charge with the device actually off... that I will have to get use too... Thanks again.

Sometimes I shut down, wait for it to go off, then put it down and walk away. Come back later and find it on. Puzzled me for a while, them I tried something different, I shut it down, put it on the table a and then slide it does to finish powering off. Come back and it is still off. I came to the conclusion that if I hold it till its off, when I put it down I must hurt the power button by accident, and don't realize it because I am away from the phone by the time it reboots.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk
Sometimes I shut down, wait for it to go off, then put it down and walk away. Come back later and find it on. Puzzled me for a while, them I tried something different, I shut it down, put it on the table a and then slide it does to finish powering off. Come back and it is still off. I came to the conclusion that if I hold it till its off, when I put it down I must hurt the power button by accident, and don't realize it because I am away from the phone by the time it reboots.

Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520, w/AT&T using Tapatalk

Yeap, that's what my last experiment is showing. It stayed off when I did not hold it during the "slide to off"... when holding the phone and "sliding to off"... it comes back on a couple of seconds later. My My... I'm sensing a defect.

If you HOLD the POWER button for an extended period of time (~10 seconds) it performs a soft reset & restarts. Simply touching / holding the button (~ 1 second) will enable the slide to Power Off. Then slide the screen down to power off the device.

Is this the possible source of confusion ?

Alternatively, check the POWER button is not sticking. Hopefully, your phone is NOT defective !:unhappysweat::sweaty::eck::cool:
If you HOLD the POWER button for an extended period of time (~10 seconds) it performs a soft reset & restarts. Simply touching / holding the button (~ 1 second) will enable the slide to Power Off. Then slide the screen down to power off the device.

Is this the possible source of confusion ?

Alternatively, check the POWER button is not sticking. Hopefully, your phone is NOT defective !:unhappysweat::sweaty::eck::cool:

No I don't think so... I've done the Hold for 10 sec thing... and it's clear in my mind what going on there... I hold the power button until I get the "slide to off"... and do the "slide to off"... It could be my timing is off a bit... still playing with it. I'm not convinced it's a hardware issue.... the phone is very clean and just out of the box.

I do understand the "plug it in" - "it powers on" thing now.... I guess it's good to be different :orly: You would think, a reset should involve more than one key... not just how long you hold the button...which also defines a "power off".

I'm trying not to grouse too much about it.... it's something I will have to train myself up on... and grouse about... like putting the power button in the middle of the edge... :eck: Really! Ok... sliding off the edge... it's a Beautiful phone... Good OS... and it does have camera button.... :cool:


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