Double tap


New member
Aug 16, 2013
I've been unable to locate where to enable/disable the lock screen to open with a double tap.
Where might this setting be hidden. It is not on the lock screen settings!!!
Display + Touch --> Touch
Sent from my RM-917_nam_usa_100 using Board Express
I have a problem, I turned it on in Display -> Touch but after going back, and locking the screen it won't turn on when i double tap it.
Does anyone else have a problem like that?

I have GDR2 and amber.
Mine doesn't seem to work too well with a stylus. Better with my fingers, but it's not a big deal to me. I have the Lumia 520 from AT&T.
Ok this might sound strange, but I found that on my 1020, that if you tap to fast it won't register, try slowing your taps a bit, it takes a bit to get use to, but I couldn't get mine to work at first as well until I slowed down my tap speed
You need to tap pretty quick on the 520 to get it to work in my experience.

It's more tap,tap then tap...........tap.
Can anyone report on the effect on battery? Would use that but don't want to sacrifice a lot of battery..

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