doubled my battery life!


New member
Nov 15, 2012
Just FYI to help anyone with battery issues...

I got my phone 9:00am Friday and through out the weekend tried to justify to my self that the 12-14 hours of battery life was acceptable. But what really killed me was the amount of battery drain during stand by!... I knew that just couldn't be right. So after trying the full battery drain and full charge a few times with only minor improvements I decided to "reset to factory" last night

Completely changed the phone!... Hardly any battery drain during stand by, I'm noticing about 1% an hour now! And instead of it dying in 12 hours im on track for 24! And this is with more use as I spent about an hour reloading email accounts and apps

So for anyone having sub 18 hours of battery life PLEASE try resetting your phone!
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Yeah this time learning my lesson with the Lumia 900 I performed a factory reset BEFORE I loaded up all my apps.
Just FYI to help anyone with battery issues...

I got my phone 9:00am Friday and through out the weekend tried to justify to my self that the 12-14 hours of battery life was acceptable. But what really killed me was the amount of battery drain during stand by!... I knew that just couldn't be right. So after trying the full battery drain and full charge a few times with only minor improvements I decided to "reset to factory" last night

Completely changed the phone!... Hardly any battery drain during stand by, I'm noticing about 1% an hour now! And instead of it dying in 12 hours im on track for 24! And this is with more use as I spent about an hour reloading email accounts and apps

So for anyone having sub 18 hours of battery life PLEASE try resetting your phone!

Thought instructions might be appropriate. How to: Hard Reset the Nokia Lumia 920 and Lumia 820

I'm trying it now. We'll see over the next few days.
My phone gets delivered in the morning. Should I hard reset before doing anything else with it?
It wouldn't hurt (takes like 5 min)... and definitely better then having to reload everything if you decide you need to do it latter.

Also I did NOT restore from a backup when I did this, just a clean install.

Thanks bryan_05 for the link
Not doubting you but what's the logic that would make factory resetting help battery life?
No idea (I'm not an electrical engineer by any means lol)... but it definitely made a difference me.
A factory data reset (FDR) is a normal procedure for Android owners. It was the first thing I did to all my Android phones, and it made all the difference in the world.
I suggested people try restoring their phones last week when the battery issue first appeared lol. Anyways it's good advice.
Is this the setting under settings/about then scroll to the bottom and select "reset my phone"?
I backed up my phone before resetting. Will it make a difference if I restore all my previous settings from my backup after the hard reset?
Didnt do much for me, tried it this morning. :(I do use google though so i did the work around as suggested for the bug with gmail.
So I tried a hard reset and that was a bad idea for me. My phone now won't make it past the Nokia boot screen. I've tried doing the soft and hard reset button combos multiple times still nothing. Ugh.

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