doubled my battery life!

Is this essentially the same thing as the "Reset your Phone" option under the ABOUT section of setting?
Hm, just tried the hard reset using the physical buttons...

Holding Volume Down, Camera, and Power... after the vibration, I let go of the Power and continue to hold the other two. No luck, it just continues to boot normally. Am I doing something wrong?

Does the software reset in settings do the same thing?

I wouldn't do this guys, your phone should already be reset to factory settings out of the box. And I read that the hard reset is really hard on the battery, if you haven't cycled your phone many times yet, you could brick it.
How long should this process take? Been going for about 35 minutes now. Worried that something has gone wrong
Ironically I did a reset today as well (switched my hotmail to and I too have noticed improvement in my battery life.
I would not suggest resetting your phones unless having serious problems. If you do, make sure to power down phone before it.
Yes, don't do a factory data reset until you can get your phone to turn on, on it's own.

While I agree it's good to factory reset before setting it up, be careful.

You wouldn't format your PC daily... would you?
Factory Reset from the Settings menu bricked my Cyan 920, now using a Black 920 and have a Cyan on Order. Debating between Cyan and Black now ugh...
as far as i can tell, doing the Reset from the Settings menu is exactly the same as doing a reset using the buttons. someone correct me if i'm wrong.
hmm I already have some apps in place, maybe if I need to I can factory reset then pop onto the website and re-down the ones I want?
I did a reset and so far the results are good.

Its probably too early to tell, but my reset went very well. I had it on the charger at the time. I then pulled it out after doing some basic settings. That was at noon. Its now 2.08 pm. I've maybe done three 1 minute calls; a few texts, set up my office email and Gmail accounts, tinkered with the screen a little bit and my battery monitor (under settings) still shows 100% remaining. This is definitely better than what I had before the reset. I will keep posting updates as I use the phone.
I just did my reset, going to let it charge to 100% and we will see how it goes.

Sent using Board Express on my Yellow Nokia Lumia 920.
Alternative experience -- I didn't do a hard reset of any kind, and my battery life is great. Easily makes it through the day from 5am to midnight with normal use (checking email, calendar, texting, browsing, light gaming, some YouTube.) I bought it on launch day, and then attended a five day conference in Orlando, which has LTE. Didn't worry about battery life at all. If you're contemplating a hard reset straight out of the box, I'd advise against it. Wait a few days and then see.

Sent from my The New iPad using Tapatalk
Be careful trying this, a lot of people that did a hard reset ended up bricking their phones for some reason...
I was having some serious drain. I disabled all background apps (except for weather). Even after that I was getting some serious drain when idling. I decided to power off/on the phone and see what happens. Sure enough, after a reboot the device is idling like a baby. I was at 66% for an hour, where before I was dropping 1% about every 10 minutes.

I did NOT do a hard reset.

Obviously this is a big issue, as the device should idle properly without having to do all this stuff.

On a different thought...did you all have the Nokia drive beta installed?
On a different thought...did you all have the Nokia drive beta installed?

Yes, I did, however I had disabled it from running in the background and was still dropping anywhere from 2-4% every ten minutes. The only things I had running were the WPCentral live tile, the weather channel live tile, and parcel tracker. E-mail was only my and was set to sync once an hour.
i got 2emails to check all the time, 5 lives tiles, BT, NFC, and every thing possible ON... the battery has been good.. i made it from 7am today til 7.17pm with 17% battery life... i was using it now stop... showcasing the phone and really pushing LTE speeds... people should condition their phones... discharge and recharge... but don't discharge fully.. to 5%.
i got 2emails to check all the time, 5 lives tiles, BT, NFC, and every thing possible ON... the battery has been good.. i made it from 7am today til 7.17pm with 17% battery life... i was using it now stop... showcasing the phone and really pushing LTE speeds... people should condition their phones... discharge and recharge... but don't discharge fully.. to 5%.

Why not fully discharge? This has been debated over and over. I'd just like to hear your reasoning. I'm a "full discharger". In my mind, I can't imagine how it is beneficial to leave 5% of the battery "untouched".


Just saw post 344 here:

May change my mind...
I have to agree with Sleewok. I power cycled the phone today and have had significantly better battery life. My thought is that when you first get the phone you install a lot of apps and this probably causes something to hang. Once you power cycle the phone it's better. Resetting the phone is probably working since you are restarting the phone in the process.
OK, so this my update at 7 PM; my last update was at around 2.10 PM EST. I've used the phone some more for about 20 minutes of phone calls, 2-3 texts and some browsing. I also played around with my mail settings (changed my office email and outlook account form "as they arrive" to every 30 minutes). And with that, right now I am sitting at about 84%. So in 5 hours, I have lost 16%. From what I see, the battery is not being drained a lot when Idle. I also think that when I moved from Push to 30 minutes for my mail, then the battery drain was reduced. So, at this point, I have seen two things that have been beneficial
1. Hard reset
2. Not having mail set to push

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