doubled my battery life!

I was getting less than a day of battery life with only moderate use, so I drained my battery Saturday night and charged to full overnight. Since then I've been getting stellar battery performance. The phone is currently telling me I have 4 days left on my charge.
The OS is still not always aware of just how much juice is left in the battery (which is shown when it shuts down at 0% battery and can then be started again to be used for say Netflix for a further 3 hours) and you might need to "calibrate" it all by running it completely flat and charging it up fully. The phone shuts off when the OS thinks the battery is about to die.

The phones of today don't need a full discharge to calibrate themselves. In case you haven't heard, they're called smart​phones.
Thanks so much for your input, rubin12. This is really helpful.

I was wondering, were you having any problems with your first phone overheating? It seems like many people having bad battery problems are also experiencing the overheating issue, but this isn't something that seems to be happening to my phone.

Also, did you have to do anything special with your new phone in order to achieve the good battery life? Did you do a factory reset or force any full discharge/recharge cycles?


Hello again. My first phone did seem to get overly warm when I was doing power intensive stuff. I can't say I've noticed my new one getting as warm at any point, but it could just be that I haven't used it in a similar way. Sorry I can't give a more definitive comparison.

I didn't do anything with the new one, no draining and no hard resetting. The only difference, was that the battery of the new on was fully discharged when I got it out of the box, but I'm not sure if this has got anything to do with the improved battery life.
The phones of today don't need a full discharge to calibrate themselves. In case you haven't heard, they're called smart​phones.

How about you start to read? As I said, since the phone is turning itself off way before it runs out of battery from factory it clearly needs calibration.
How about you start to read? As I said, since the phone is turning itself off way before it runs out of battery from factory it clearly needs calibration.

Go ahead and believe your fallacies if it makes you feel better
Go ahead and believe your fallacies if it makes you feel better

I can confirm what he says. Mine turned off today at 0 %. I turned it back on and got nearly another half hour more out of it while at 0% remaining. So sorry, it no fallacy to make one feel better. The batteries and software have issues
This half hour more is to prevent the drain of the battery completely. Draining batteries to the end is not good for them. You're shorten up the life cycle of it (li-on and li-polymer batteries dont like that they need to be always charged to get best results). Thats why the smartphones are turning off a little bit earlier.
Cant get the three buttons to work, it start as usual with the windows screen. Tried a few times now, but still cant get it to work.
Just to check if I do it right. Hold down all three buttons (volume down+power+camera), then after the vibrate, release the power button?
I can confirm what he says. Mine turned off today at 0 %. I turned it back on and got nearly another half hour more out of it while at 0% remaining. So sorry, it no fallacy to make one feel better. The batteries and software have issues

Confirm this myself. Got an extra hour and half after the battery "died."

WPenvy, do not tell people what they've experienced is wrong when clearly they have experimental proof and all you have to backup your claim is a ridiculous argument about smartphones being smart.
I can confirm what he says. Mine turned off today at 0 %. I turned it back on and got nearly another half hour more out of it while at 0% remaining. So sorry, it no fallacy to make one feel better. The batteries and software have issues

Confirm this myself. Got an extra hour and half after the battery "died."

There's something else going on here, because everyone i know with a 920 (half a dozen) are having no issues whatsoever or have had issues with any lithium powered devices. None of us did this "full drain" guff.
because everyone i know with a 920 (half a dozen) are having no issues whatsoever
So what?

Drained my battery to 0% and turned it back on, it stayed on for 1.5 hour and at around the hour mark the battery went UP to 2%. There might be multiple battery suppliers, or some bad batches. Getting 4 hours out of my phone (with no heat problems), suggests something wonky with the battery.
I had a battery life problem a few days after getting the phone - turned off the NFC - which worked for couple weeks. As I started to get more Apps - specifically those with background task functionality - the battery life started to tank again - barely 10 hours with light usage.

I remembered how with my Android tablet which allows apps to multi-task, some apps simply guzzled battery life. So, I blocked the background running rights for all the apps - battery life shot up dramatically - now get 2-3 days with light usage!

Tried enabling background task rights to just the apps I care about (Amazing Weather HD, Weave News Reader, and WPCentral) - and still have excellent battery life. Apps I disabled - Evernote, Facebook, Groupon, LinkedIn, Nokia Drive+ Beta. I have not tested enabling these one at a time to figure out which one (or more) is causing the battery drain in the background.

To clarify - I'm not talking about uninstalling the apps. Simply disable background task rights via Settings -> applications -> background tasks -> block each app.

My guess is that some apps are either programmed poorly in terms of how much processing they use in the background or there is a bug in the OS which only affects certain apps.

Point - try turning off background task access for all apps for a day or two. Gradually turn on the apps which you care about their background task functionality to try to pin point which apps are the problem.
I don't get it. Why would people not immediately stop background updating of apps that don't have live tiles? That's the first thing I did, leaving only amazing weather alone as is
Go ahead and believe your fallacies if it makes you feel better

I'd rather much think for myself and analyse the situation. So let's see:

FACT 1: Some phones turn off before the battery is dead
FACT 2: Some phones' battery percentage go down quicker than normal
FACT 3: There have been reports of 1 and 2 being resolved after a complete drain and a full charge
FACT 4: Lithium Ion batteries do not have the memory effect

What theory can be part of the problem for the phones suffering from both 1 and 2? The simplest (and most logical) would be that the OS/firmware on effected phones is miscalculating the point at which it should turn itself off somehow. The question is rather if the full drain and recharge is doing any good at all or if a software fix is needed. For this I would say we do not have enough data to say too much about, but theres very little harm in trying it. Lithium Ion batteries should not be discharged fully on a regular basis, doing it a few times doesn't matter.
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My battery lost 3 percent over 6 hours on standby during sleep and then 40% over 2 hours during the day on standby. Sigh.
I left my phone(airplane mode with wifi and bluetooth off) over night. it was at 76%. When I woke up after 7 hours it was STILL at 76%. Not even a1 % drain however Ive got the bluetooth and wifi on now and within 3 hours with moderate/low use( 20 emails, about 15 sms and 5 phone calls(less than 2 mins each) its down to 22% and estimate remaining time is 2 hours.
From Dubai here.

I purchased my L920 9 days ago and since day 1 I have the battery problem draining 20% within 1 hour in idle state. I raised my problem to Nokia UAE. They called me and recommended to do the hard reset. I told them that I haven't tried that because there's a chance that it will bricked my phone. So yeah, last night I bricked my phone :angry:! Now I'm waiting for my replacement. 24hrs now and counting. I miss my Lumia.
I'd rather much think for myself and analyse the situation. So let's see:

FACT 1: Some phones turn off before the battery is dead
FACT 2: Some phones' battery percentage go down quicker than normal
FACT 3: There have been reports of 1 and 2 being resolved after a complete drain and a full charge
FACT 4: Lithium Ion batteries do not have the memory effect

What theory can be part of the problem for the phones suffering from both 1 and 2? The simplest (and most logical) would be that the OS/firmware on effected phones is miscalculating the point at which it should turn itself off somehow. The question is rather if the full drain and recharge is doing any good at all or if a software fix is needed. For this I would say we do not have enough data to say too much about, but theres very little harm in trying it. Lithium Ion batteries should not be discharged fully on a regular basis, doing it a few times doesn't matter.

This. I'm generally in agreement.
My 920 which I got over the weekend in a two day span was getting overheated just by making calls and was draining battery rapidly. I went back to At&t store and they exchanged it for me. Since then my phone has no issues what so ever! I haven't even charged it once since yesterday, watched half hour show on crackle, made a few calls, wifi on and its still maintaining 40% battery! With an estimated time of 1 day 19 hours of juice still in it!

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