Download pending?


New member
Nov 29, 2010
I tried to download an app earlier today. It has not downloaded but the software and phone recognizes that I tried to download it because it is listed as 'download pending' There is no option for me to restart the download or do anything else at this point. It's been like this all day. I've restarted the phone, zune software, etc etc.
i have a similar issue where it looks on my phone like its still pending and says "check install" but has not downloaded and i cannot force restart the download. Does anyone know how to fix these issues?
Are you downloading over WiFi or celluar network connection? What app(s) are you attempting to download? Have you attempted to pause the download, close the Marketplace app, re-open it and then resume the download?
Are you downloading over WiFi or celluar network connection? What app(s) are you attempting to download? Have you attempted to pause the download, close the Marketplace app, re-open it and then resume the download?

It's over WiFi. It doesn't give you any options to pause or anything. It just says pending and if you touch it it says the same thing in a popup box.
ive seen this once before on my device also. i dont remember what i did to resolve it but it eventually downloaded and went away. i may have removed the battery and turned it back on.
this happened to me the first day I got the device, I went into the marketplace, and were it says udates or downloads at the bottem I had to click that than go to the downlaod windows press and hold on the app and select restart once I had a good wi fi signel ..
I know this is an old post, but just had the problem and thought I would post just in case anybody else every has this problem.
Just go to Store, and in the bottom right corner for more options click on settings. Turn off Update apps automatically. Than cancel all your pending downloads. They will than show bake up in the store to download the updates and they go no problem when you click on them to download.

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