Dual-boot or VM?


Active member
Sep 25, 2014
So, I already have Windows 10 running on VMWare, but it's been running a little slow. So the question is this: Does dual-booting Windows 10 and 8.1 just as safe, if not safer, than a VMWare. If not, then is there a faster VM I can use? (Took me around 3 minutes to type from VMWare)

Some hardware, for accurate recommendations:
8MB (LOL, I meant GB) RAM
Intel dual-core i5 4th gen
1920x1080 touch
Dual-booting is perfectly safe, as long as you know what you're doing. Caveat is what you'd expect, having to reboot to switch.
Using a VM is more foolproof though.

Personally, I'm not experienced with that, having dabbled more in dual-booting Linux, and those often make it easy.

I don't think another VM would perform better, but make sure to set the VM settings to your liking, so that its not starving 10 for system resources.
I had an odd dream in which, when I set VMware's priority to high, it worked just as fast as a normal OS. Is that possible?
I had an odd dream in which, when I set VMware's priority to high, it worked just as fast as a normal OS. Is that possible?

You're still trying to have two OSes run with the same amount of resources one would get, no getting around that.

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