Dual vs Single Core Conversations: STOP. THEM. NOW.

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All I am going to say is that the ONLY point I was trying to make is that dual-core / higher Mhz processors use more power.

It's a simple fact that for some reason people can't comprehend because apparently some dumb android users think their dual-cores save battery life. It's simply not true. ...At all.
They really don't need dual core. I know my Arrive is more than fast enough for me! I wouldn't mind dual, but I also wouldn't mind a 720P AMOLED screen at ~4" either. :P
They really don't need dual core. I know my Arrive is more than fast enough for me! I wouldn't mind dual, but I also wouldn't mind a 720P AMOLED screen at ~4" either. :P

They might not need it now but as time goes on and things continue to advance, more advanced technology (I.e. dual core processors) will be needed.

I mean why wouldn't you want faster technology? Yeah I'm sure most people are satisfied with what they have but if something better was offered I think most people wouldn't mind it.

And regarding battery life, my Sensation which has a dual core processor has better battery life than my single core phones I used to own.
Angry birds might. I've been playing it lately and it seems like it drops down to about 10 fps. Its pretty annoying.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express

When I had Angry Birds on my HD7 it was smooth but playing it on my Sensation was smoother. Same with other games like Fruit Ninja.

From what I've gathered, Microsoft has capped the fps on their games for whatever reason. They can always uncap it in an update. It's not like gaming is bad on it at all, but they should keep it uncapped just like iOS and Android do.
When I had Angry Birds on my HD7 it was smooth but playing it on my Sensation was smoother. Same with other games like Fruit Ninja.

From what I've gathered, Microsoft has capped the fps on their games for whatever reason. They can always uncap it in an update. It's not like gaming is bad on it at all, but they should keep it uncapped just like iOS and Android do.

the cap was removed in mango so now it's up to the game devs to take advantage of it. Once again u are misinformed
the cap was removed in mango so now it's up to the game devs to take advantage of it. Once again u are misinformed

It's annoying that Microsoft can't even provide the update patches to the games that they tagged as "Microsoft X-Box Live Titles" to Mango. They made it sound so simple and that the 60fps comes "free out of the box" and that it's simply declaring in the manifest file (or w/e...don't remember of the top of my head, but I know it's basically a one-liner), yet they can't even update the apps and games that people will search for FIRST when using a WP7 device.

The first games I looked for were Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds. After I started playing them it I was so upset. My wife's prepaid StraightTalk Android device runs Fruit Ninja at 60fps smooth, but the homescreen and entire OS lags like ****; it makes no sense that Microsoft hasn't updated these to 60fps by now (especially Kinnectimals, which they just released).
the cap was removed in mango so now it's up to the game devs to take advantage of it. Once again u are misinformed

aactually it does have a cap , it was at 30FPS before mango , mango now caps it at 60FPS which is what MOST games on android and IOS run on
and is plenty , don’t even think our phone can handle more than that any ways, hehe

It's annoying that Microsoft can't even provide the update patches to the games that they tagged as "Microsoft X-Box Live Titles" to Mango. They made it sound so simple and that the 60fps comes "free out of the box" and that it's simply declaring in the manifest file (or w/e...don't remember of the top of my head, but I know it's basically a one-liner), yet they can't even update the apps and games that people will search for FIRST when using a WP7 device.

The first games I looked for were Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds. After I started playing them it I was so upset. My wife's prepaid StraightTalk Android device runs Fruit Ninja at 60fps smooth, but the homescreen and entire OS lags like ****; it makes no sense that Microsoft hasn't updated these to 60fps by now (especially Kinnectimals, which they just released).

BTW MS isn’t responsible for Updating the apps, the DEVs are ( some exceptions i think they made 2 or 3 games out of the 100 we have )
1080p does nothing different but take up more space on a phone. Its also a gimkick just like dual core and siri. Nice try and yet u have the WP logo as an avatar.

Because I love the UI and I am making the switch to WP. 1080p needs DC for the encoding. Its not just taking up more disk space. You really think that?

All I am going to say is that the ONLY point I was trying to make is that dual-core / higher Mhz processors use more power.

It's a simple fact that for some reason people can't comprehend because apparently some dumb android users think their dual-cores save battery life. It's simply not true. ...At all.

That is not a fact. How much power does a P4 at 2.4ghz take? How much does a i5 2500 at 2.5ghz take? Same amount of power. Do you know how much faster the i5 is? Try watching 1080p on your P4. As tech keeps advancing power useage will advance as well. A quad with a TDP of 95w will use less power at idle than a P4 with TDP of 60w. Let me go try to find a link since you probably will not believe that for some reason.

the cap was removed in mango so now it's up to the game devs to take advantage of it. Once again u are misinformed

aactually it does have a cap , it was at 30FPS before mango , mango now caps it at 60FPS which is what MOST games on android and IOS run on
and is plenty , don?t even think our phone can handle more than that any ways, hehe

Who is misinformed? No idea really where either get your facts but he claims that you are the misinformed one so until either show proof, its he said she said.

I suggest a sticky DC vs SC thread. Put all comments into that thread and it will keep the forum from getting clogged with similar threads.
It's annoying that Microsoft can't even provide the update patches to the games that they tagged as "Microsoft X-Box Live Titles" to Mango. They made it sound so simple and that the 60fps comes "free out of the box" and that it's simply declaring in the manifest file (or w/e...don't remember of the top of my head, but I know it's basically a one-liner), yet they can't even update the apps and games that people will search for FIRST when using a WP7 device.

The first games I looked for were Fruit Ninja and Angry Birds. After I started playing them it I was so upset. My wife's prepaid StraightTalk Android device runs Fruit Ninja at 60fps smooth, but the homescreen and entire OS lags like ****; it makes no sense that Microsoft hasn't updated these to 60fps by now (especially Kinnectimals, which they just released).
MS isn't responsible for updating the games, the devs are. Do u not understand that or something?
Because I love the UI and I am making the switch to WP. 1080p needs DC for the encoding. Its not just taking up more disk space. You really think that?

That is not a fact. How much power does a P4 at 2.4ghz take? How much does a i5 2500 at 2.5ghz take? Same amount of power. Do you know how much faster the i5 is? Try watching 1080p on your P4. As tech keeps advancing power useage will advance as well. A quad with a TDP of 95w will use less power at idle than a P4 with TDP of 60w. Let me go try to find a link since you probably will not believe that for some reason.

Who is misinformed? No idea really where either get your facts but he claims that you are the misinformed one so until either show proof, its he said she said.

I suggest a sticky DC vs SC thread. Put all comments into that thread and it will keep the forum from getting clogged with similar threads.

he said that games are capped at 30fps and I told him that such a cap was removed so therefore he's misinformed.
aactually it does have a cap , it was at 30FPS before mango , mango now caps it at 60FPS which is what MOST games on android and IOS run on
and is plenty , don?t even think our phone can handle more than that any ways, hehe

BTW MS isn?t responsible for Updating the apps, the DEVs are ( some exceptions i think they made 2 or 3 games out of the 100 we have )

If this is the case, they need to do something to get developers to updates their apps. I mean seriously, send an e-mail maybe offering $100 bucks or something (nothing for Microsoft) , show them really how easy it is, and get them to update the dang games. That's all I see in reviews (and from personal use) is "this game is fun...not as smooth as Android or iOS tho" like all the time....seriously...
Who is misinformed? No idea really where either get your facts but he claims that you are the misinformed one so until either show proof, its he said she said.

it has a 60FPS cap Guaranty!!!!


their is a workaround to allow you to remove the CAP and allow the game to run as fast as the Hardware will allow you. (wich is a bad idea cause its probny gona slow down the phone more then any thing , but possible )

Confirmed cap: Mango Season: A Detailed Tour of the new WP7.5 “Mango” by guest contributor; Zulu69 | ( do a ctrl-f and type in FPS (gaming section) )

MS Dev forum(how to remove cap): Remove FPS Cap? - App Hub Forums
If this is the case, they need to do something to get developers to updates their apps. I mean seriously, send an e-mail maybe offering $100 bucks or something (nothing for Microsoft) , show them really how easy it is, and get them to update the dang games. That's all I see in reviews (and from personal use) is "this game is fun...not as smooth as Android or iOS tho" like all the time....seriously...

yeah that would actually be a good idea, the problem is DEV are lazy and don?t want to invest a week into change FPS , (witch honestly should not take more then a phew min to a couple hours)

problem is MS dint really give a TIME line/limit for apps to be updated to MANGO. witch they should have... UPDATE or we remove it type thing.... but that would of created MORE problems. by us probly losing half the games HAHA
Phones already run fine with single core technology. (Ex. iPhone 4, HTC Thunderbolt, Samsung Focus, Bold 9000)

It's just that mobile technology is advancing at a rapid rate. So as time goes on, the operating systems and apps will take advantage of the newer hardware.

I'm all for newer technology. I had single core phones last year, dual core this year and next year I'll probably upgrade to a new quad core phone of my liking.

I would much rather have phones get faster and faster rather than stay the same. Same in regards to data speeds (EDGE -> 3G -> 4G).

I agree i Like faster phones. RIGHT NOW WP runs fine on a single core processor. I would suspect that MS is working on dual core technology for WP and by the time weneed them they will have them for us. By that time I suspect that android will probably need quad or otcacore processors, and all the same people who pine and whine about not having dual core will be whining and pining for octacore devices because WP doesnt have them.
I agree i Like faster phones. RIGHT NOW WP runs fine on a single core processor. I would suspect that MS is working on dual core technology for WP and by the time weneed them they will have them for us. By that time I suspect that android will probably need quad or otcacore processors, and all the same people who pine and whine about not having dual core will be whining and pining for octacore devices because WP doesnt have them.

yup its like MS is held to a higher standard or something, its so ignorant.
I beg to differ. I see a lot of slow down and just general lag since the official Mango release. Wasn't present with the Mago beta.
I agree i Like faster phones. RIGHT NOW WP runs fine on a single core processor. I would suspect that MS is working on dual core technology for WP and by the time weneed them they will have them for us. By that time I suspect that android will probably need quad or otcacore processors, and all the same people who pine and whine about not having dual core will be whining and pining for octacore devices because WP doesnt have them.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express
I beg to differ. I see a lot of slow down and just general lag since the official Mango release. Wasn't present with the Mago beta.

Sent from my SGH-i917 using Board Express

i have to agree that WP is DUE for Duel-core ... some of the high end games are starting to slow down allot.

i hope next gen has them ... again we dont NEEED D.C but it would help to allow;

1. better FPS
2. less choppy games
3. smother and would prevent tile re-draw and other things of the sort or general LAG on the keyboard.

but its not that bad, personally i don’t see Much lag,,
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