Echo during calls?


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Echo problem - second microphone

I am sure the above post is correct - I have had the same problem since I got my Lumia 900 - that is the person you are talking to can hear themselves. I did a test with my brother by putting my finger over the top microphone and it was better. I have since covered it up with some insulating tape and the problem seems to be much improved. As this mic. is so close to the earpiece speaker it would seem that it is picking up the called persons voice and that is what they hear as an 'echo'. Turning the earpiece volume down is consistent with reducing the problem as the lower sound level is not being picked up so much by the microphone. I don?t know if there is any particular down side to covering this mic. up but it does not seem to impact people being able to hear me (from the main mic. at the bottom of the phone). I think there was probably a clever idea by Nokia to use 2 mic.s to reduce noise, but it seems to have had an undesired side effect. Nokia?s response was just to make sure latest software update, reboot and then book a repair ? this is not the problem ? it looks like a design fault but one that can be eased by a ?sticking plaster? (literally) solution.


New member
May 24, 2013
Re: Echo problem - second microphone

Solved it!

I tried lowering my volume to 6, other caller noticed echo almost gone. Took off my silicone gel cover, echo was completely gone. Put volume back up to 9, with no cover, still no echo. Had caller hang up and call me back, NO ECHO.

For my Lumia 710, the issue was the case I bought for it, made of thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). It's a plastic and silicone material hybrid, kind of a hard gel with an argyle pattern, smoke color. I bought it on eBay. Seems to protect well, but the echo thing makes it useless. My daughter has the exact phone and has never had echo issues, but uses a Nokia Lumia 710 D3O? Gel Skin - Purple, which we bought from the T-Mobile store. It actually feels more like rubber.


New member
Aug 15, 2013
Re: Echo problem - second microphone

I am sure the above post is correct - I have had the same problem since I got my Lumia 900 - that is the person you are talking to can hear themselves. I did a test with my brother by putting my finger over the top microphone and it was better. I have since covered it up with some insulating tape and the problem seems to be much improved. As this mic. is so close to the earpiece speaker it would seem that it is picking up the called persons voice and that is what they hear as an 'echo'. Turning the earpiece volume down is consistent with reducing the problem as the lower sound level is not being picked up so much by the microphone. I don’t know if there is any particular down side to covering this mic. up but it does not seem to impact people being able to hear me (from the main mic. at the bottom of the phone). I think there was probably a clever idea by Nokia to use 2 mic.s to reduce noise, but it seems to have had an undesired side effect. Nokia’s response was just to make sure latest software update, reboot and then book a repair – this is not the problem – it looks like a design fault but one that can be eased by a ‘sticking plaster’ (literally) solution.

This was my conclusion, as well on my 521. At first, I thought the echo was caused by usng WiFi calling, but I tweaked up my WiFi (changed the channel to make sure no one near me was causing interference), and it improved, but did not solve the problem. I talk to my mom everyday and she always says there is an echo when I try to use the speaker phone. Its worse when the volume is high, but it never goes away at useable speaker phone volume (even 4 or 5). Only the other party hears it to a large degree. The echo is not there if I use the headset or just the phone to my ear. The darn external speaker on the back is just too close to the mic on the bottom of the phone. Its a design fault IMO. Other than that, I love the phone.

It might be possible for Nokia and/or MS to create an algorithm to turn the mic down when the other person is speaking in some intelligent way.
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