for those with high RAM usage, check if some of the tabs are onedrive or anything storage related
No it isn't. Just usual news stuff, ESPN etc
Ran a RAM test for my own curiosity last night. Ten tabs: Gmail, The Old Reader, Facebook, random site, a weather site, two pages of guitar tabs, two theology tabs, and the Bioshock walkthrough from GameFAQs. Firefox had Adblock Plus, Noscript, and All In One Gestures. Edge had Adblock Plus and Mouse Gestures. Chrome had nothing. Firefox = 700MB RAM, Chrome = 1GB, Edge = 1.5GB. After testing some of the sites (and general browsing), I think Edge was the fastest, followed by Chrome.
That was the whole point....I had those open in Firefox already. It was an exact replica of how I was currently using Firefox. What better way to test than a real-life scenario?try without the game site and the guitar ones maybe
That was the whole point....I had those open in Firefox already. It was an exact replica of how I was currently using Firefox. What better way to test than a real-life scenario?