ESPN app


New member
Jan 12, 2008
ESPN ScoreCenter is live in the marketplace. :)

Sent from my Samsung Focus using Board Express
Better than the Score app?

Close call right now.

ESPN looks cleaner but has a quirky navigation layout. It takes a while to get used to and for the first few times you run the app, you'll instinctively hit the back button to go to the main menu only to exit the app.

Content wise... right now I'd have to give the edge to ESPN simply because it pulls from ESPN. I like the ticker that runs across the bottom of the screen.

Give me a few days and I'll have a full-review (with ScoreMobile comparison) up on the main site.
I think ESPN is a bit faster too all around.

And it displays the 'myteams' function the way I wanted ScoreMobile to!
ESPN is not only faster than Scoremobile, navigation is smoother and easier, IMO. For "my teams", both apps show scores, but ESPN also has a my teams' news page.

Sent from my LogicPD Zoom2 using Tapatalk
After figuring out the underlined sport part I like it more then Score Mobile. Runs alot smoother and like George said the ticker at the bottom is a neat feature.
I'm loving this thus far, my team news is a nice plus as well as The Lead. Live Tile and or toast messages for recent scoring would put this over the top but as it is I'm really happy with it.
Is this a US only app? I don't seem to see it on my marketplace.

The app is available in Canada here. I just downloaded it and it's nice. I wish there was video uploads for game highlights like Scoremobile. I think this is good if you just want to see a specific team (or person) that you personally like, but for those who want overall standing, stick to scoremobile. I'm going to keep both, but I think Scoremobile is a little better....content wise.

What would put this app (or Scoremobile) over the top is a live tile for your favorite team playing at the scheduled time.
Pro Sports Scores will do that for you. Updates a live tile every minute w/ball,strike,out info for BB. And its free.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
The app is available in Canada here. I just downloaded it and it's nice. I wish there was video uploads for game highlights like Scoremobile. I think this is good if you just want to see a specific team (or person) that you personally like, but for those who want overall standing, stick to scoremobile. I'm going to keep both, but I think Scoremobile is a little better....content wise.

What would put this app (or Scoremobile) over the top is a live tile for your favorite team playing at the scheduled time.

This has the overall standings as well (if you missed it, i did initially), for me the speed alone pushes it past SM but ymmv.
My app doesn't work. In fact, I've been having random issues since upgrading to NoDo. When I try and run the app it says scorecenter couldn't retrieve enough data to startup. I tried on wifi, connected to the computer, and through 3g. Baffling and disappointing to say the least.
My app doesn't work. In fact, I've been having random issues since upgrading to NoDo. When I try and run the app it says scorecenter couldn't retrieve enough data to startup. I tried on wifi, connected to the computer, and through 3g. Baffling and disappointing to say the least.
my app works, but i have been having similar issues with the apps not retrieving data. seems after using the phone in airplane mode and wifi on for an extended period of time, i can't connect to the marketplace and some apps won't update. it has only happened after updating (unlocked and debranded for it) to NoDo. i used to have it in airplane mode for 2 weeks and have no issues.
I did a factory reset from NoDo back to the original version. I'm not sure this rebranded my phone or not, but I'm assuming it did since all the ATT apps appeared. I reinstalled ESPN app and still get the same message. Lame.
I also get the error "scorecenter couldn't retrieve enough data to startup". Running ATT samsung focus with no updates on it.
Scoremobile is way better for looking at NBA box scores IMO. The stats are loaded into the app rather than opening ESPN Mobile, and also there are more columns. I don't see a speed advantage there either as far as pulling back the stats.

ESPN is better for news since you can see all your teams news on one page. Scoremobile doesn't even filter news by team.

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