So a couple of folks here at Windows Central know I was able to flash an unbranded US Lumia 635 LTE RM-975 ROM on my AT&T 635, something which has not been possible yet. At the end of the day, I was running the Denim firmware + Update 2 (OS 8.10.15137.148).
I was wondering if anyone would like to try the same method on their AT&T Lumia 830 RM-983 to convert it permanently to an unbranded RM-985 device? Benefit would be a completely new phone variant that receives firmware updates directly from Microsoft and not AT&T. Current RM-985 ROM for the US unlocked variant is on Denim. This method can also be extended to get Update 2. Plus you can flash to any RM-985 ROM variants (there are plenty for Americas). I don't have a RM-983 device to test this myself, I own a RM-985 US unlocked LTE variant.
I would like to warn though, this process is untried on the RM-983 and may damage your device permanently. And it will permanently change your RM-983 to RM-985. You won't be able to use Windows Phone Recovery Tool or Lumia Software Recovery to restore your device. The only tool that would work is the Nokia Product Support Tool for Store 5.0 after the flashing is successful. The process might also permanently brick your device which can only be repaired using JTAG so please be aware of the consequences.
I didn't want to post details here to avoid confusion. Anyone who wants to try, PM me and I can give you the details. Don't post comments on "how do I do this" and "how do I recover my device" here, I won't be helping you with that (I will up to a certain extent). I can write up a walk through once I have at least one success story with evidence. And if this works then it could be also extended to the AT&T Lumia 1520, let's not get into that.
PM me if you want to try it out.
*** I won't be taking any responsibility if the process permanently damages your device. This is an experimental process and may damage your device permanently ***
I was wondering if anyone would like to try the same method on their AT&T Lumia 830 RM-983 to convert it permanently to an unbranded RM-985 device? Benefit would be a completely new phone variant that receives firmware updates directly from Microsoft and not AT&T. Current RM-985 ROM for the US unlocked variant is on Denim. This method can also be extended to get Update 2. Plus you can flash to any RM-985 ROM variants (there are plenty for Americas). I don't have a RM-983 device to test this myself, I own a RM-985 US unlocked LTE variant.
I would like to warn though, this process is untried on the RM-983 and may damage your device permanently. And it will permanently change your RM-983 to RM-985. You won't be able to use Windows Phone Recovery Tool or Lumia Software Recovery to restore your device. The only tool that would work is the Nokia Product Support Tool for Store 5.0 after the flashing is successful. The process might also permanently brick your device which can only be repaired using JTAG so please be aware of the consequences.
I didn't want to post details here to avoid confusion. Anyone who wants to try, PM me and I can give you the details. Don't post comments on "how do I do this" and "how do I recover my device" here, I won't be helping you with that (I will up to a certain extent). I can write up a walk through once I have at least one success story with evidence. And if this works then it could be also extended to the AT&T Lumia 1520, let's not get into that.
PM me if you want to try it out.
*** I won't be taking any responsibility if the process permanently damages your device. This is an experimental process and may damage your device permanently ***
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