Facebook and Instagram conflict?


New member
Jan 19, 2012
Anyone notice that there may be an official Facebook and Instagram app conflict? Both apps will lock up (they will open), no ability to select anything, and it won't scroll. Now here is why is at conflict between the two. If it happens to one, 100% of the time, if you try and open the other, it will immediately go into the same state. Only a reboot will fix it. So what could they share that is causing a conflict?
Next time one locks up like that on you, go check the other immediately. I'll almost guarantee you that will go into the same state
I haven't had the problem in instagram so far, but I have had this happen in my facebook app. And yeah it is annoying. But i think closing the app from the menu you get long-pressing the "back" button and then opening it again fixed it for me.

As for it happening in both apps, it could be because Instagram is owned by facebook and maybe they just coded in the same bug in the app.
Hopefully they'll fix it. Do use the app's user feedback to report it!
Well I'll be damned. Today I got an instagram update so I went to see if there was anything new and .... It froze. It's as if it is ignoring input maybe. Dunno, but then I went to check Facebook and yep, frozen. Please report the bug via the apps so that they notice D:
It happens also on my Lumia 950, the only solution I founded is rebooting the phone. Even closing the apps with the back-longpress don't solve the problem.

Using Facebook(beta) and Instagram(official)

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