Facebook live for W10m


New member
Jan 4, 2013
Is it planned for the FB app to be able to support live streams? Currently only the comments with live streams are shown but not the video feed itself. Quite annoying, would really appreciate that feature.
Anyone around who knows more on this?
Facebook should optimise their apps first, because they are terribly slow or unresponsive 5 days on 7 days off in case of FB Messenger with the stupid 2GB RAM requirement
I would think so since the feature is available on pc. Don't understand them with everything on pc before mobile. It's a mobile app before anything else
Facebook should make its fb app more faster, bug free! It's terrible slow often it crashes :( And most annoying thing is that no latest feature! Facebook should add live, profile video option for windows 10 mobile! I don't know any of their developers reading this post or not they need to make fb app for w10 faster, stable & make it support for 1GB ram phones at least! That's annoying & frustrating you need 2GB ram phones to run social app! Lol Facebook you drunk
I have a 950xl running Release Preview ring, it's not horribly slow. It could be faster, but you put it head to head with another OS and you're nit picking. They work on PC first because it's the likely candidate for UWP. It's pointless for them to work on a mobile specific app. Even if it is a port. The more features PC gets, the faster PC gets, the quicker we get a UWP. There is zero need to support anything below 2gb ram, period. The app doesn't use the 2gb, the OS does. The app uses a sliver of it. If the OS can't support the process of opening the app, what does it matter?
I've done that seems they aren't listening only get a update once every 5 months
Another reason why I moved to Android... stuff like this does not happen on other platforms. After 5+ Windows Phone devices I could not deal with it any more.

Wish Microsoft would put some effort into marketing into WIndows 10 MOBILE so this kind of stuff didn't happen any more, I would be back in a heartbeat...
I gave up on the FB apps on my surface pro and 980XL. I just use Chrome on the surface pro and unfortunately Edge on the phone.
Facebook never response to its feedback! It's become pointless to report via fb feedback hub ! Facebook is blind supporter for iOS and forced supporter for android! Because android has many users! Apple pay money to the developers for building app
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