Replacement Surface Duo with better updates than my original Surface Duo?


Dec 23, 2010
Okay, let me start by saying that I preordered the Surface Duo when it first came out. The 256GB model. It was the unlocked version. I first used it on Verizon and then used it on AT&T. I did receive the regular updates. I'm also pretty good about checking for app updates. The phone never seemed to really change much which fits into the narrative that the Surface Duo never really changed much from the beginning.

So fast forward to today... I severely damaged my Surface Duo due to multiple drops. After a last major drop, I damaged the hinge and decided to use my Microsoft Complete insurance ($99 deductible that gets you a new phone). So I get a new Surface Duo in the mail and did my initial setup. AND THIS PHONE IS SO DIFFERENT. I have no idea what is happening. Many of the apps I use seem quite different as if they jumped generations. The OS itself seems different.

For example, Spotify in single screen mode now has a vertical area along the left side of the app that wasn't present on my last Surface. In the Youtube app, there are more video thumbnails on the screen.

I'm trying to figure out whether I have the phone configured differently to make everything seem so different. Maybe it's because I have a different font size for the UI which is perhaps changing the UI for every app. I'm not sure.

In any case, I have the Surface Duo 2 coming soon.

But I'm writing this to see if anyone knows exactly why my phone seems so different. Maybe my first Surface Duo phone wasn't really being updated. In any case, you can try to reset your Surface Duo to factory and redownload your apps. You might just get a very new experience with the phone.

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