The surface Duo 3


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Sep 28, 2011
We might hear an announcement soon about the Surface Duo 3. I eased chatting with a Microsoft soon because I finally decided to purchase the duo 2 in obsidian black so i went to MS website to purchase it and they had no stock of any. I then asked the MS representative when they would be back in stock and if he could check their retail partners for inventory, he then said, "there is no stock, trust me on this one there I'd an update you will definitely see it on our site". I've attach there screen snip of the correspondence, post your thoughts!EgP302Fs-1208346143.jpg
Strange... Microsoft sold all its stock to their retail partners then really surprise to know that they are unable to arrange one for you. Did you check on Amazon or eBay if they had any stock because they always purchase in bulk so hoping they have... Good Luck...
I have had the same experience here in Sweden. I put an order for Surface duo 256 in the end of May, the Duo has been out od stuck since then with now update about availability. I tried to change my order to a 128 GB version for 10 days ago and realized that that version is out of stuck. So, either MS has a problem with the production, or they are just selling out their stuck everywhere in expectation of the new version.
Surface Duo 3 has been postponed. Rumor has it that a single screen folding device will take it's place. That way android 12 L and future android 13.1 will run on it as Google designed it.

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