Facebook messenger or Facebook integration?

I hope that with the removal of integration that damn little logo on the People tile goes away. If I don't have FB, I shouldn't have their branding, period.
I like more Facebook Messenger but i want sometime like the bubble chat on Android or similar :( and the option to call, send audio and emotes... i know its very new the app, but hope they put these things fast
In fact, I don't really like the hub ideas from MS. Hubs integration makes things too rigid. It also makes updates difficult and results in missing cool features from those standalone official apps. That's what makes Android and iOS work better than Windows Phone frankly speaking.
The new messenger app of course. I don't care for the integrated facebook chat, and it is woefully out of date. I want group chat, I want to be able to send photos and videos, I want to be able to see if they've read my message, etc., etc., etc.
I like the integrated app, but I also need photos and smiles so I'm using both of them. It would be great to have all if them integrated!!
I love my integrated facebook because while driving and having my Lumia 1020 paired with my car's bluetooth I receive and send messages to my Facebook contact using just the voice.

(translating from spanish - could be different in your language)

"You have a message from XXXX You can listen or ignore" "Listen" "Hello pal what about tonite party?" "You can ignore or answer" "Answer" "Say the text message" "I will be there by 8.30" "You can send, add more or retry" "Send".

Can you do that from the oficial app? No way.

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