Facebook not working right


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Feb 27, 2018
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I have windows phone 10 and for some reason recently everytime i go on facebook it doesnt work properly. Itll log and il see the homepage, posts, i can even post myself, but i cannot make the notifs, messages etc anything on the tool bar work. I can click on them but it only highlights the icon and thats it. it doesnt actually go to the thing i want it to by just clicking it once. it only works if i hold down on it and select open in new tab. And when i do that for messages, ill see the page with all of my messages and i can click the message and ill type message, but it refuses to send the message. ill write the message but the send button doesnt work. Itll highlight but thats it. I got it to work once by hitting it a certain way but i tried the spot again and it didnt work. Idk whats going on. It must be facebook on this phone because on my PC facebooks working fine. I try youtube, netflix ebay etc on my phone and those are running normal no issues. its only facebook on this phone for some reason. I even tried it on my moms phone and it works on there. Could i have a virus maybe? I am using facebook on Internet explorer btw since i have no sim and cant get the facebook app to install on my phone and its only good with wifi. Ive had the phone w/o simcard this since my dad hand it down to me and took the sim card and put it in his new phone. Could that be it? Facebook on my phone was working fine until a couple of weeks ago w/o the simcard.


Retired Moderator
Apr 1, 2012
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I'm more interested in knowing how you have eBay working on your phone considering it's been deactivated for a year now along with Amazon, PayPal and a host of others.

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