Facing cyber bulling


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Jul 20, 2024
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Okay so hi guys... I'm a female gamer from Cali and I wanted to share my experience. Don't even know if this is the correct place but I guess we are all gamers here and I just wanted to vent out.

I have been gaming since I was three starting with duck hunt and watching my big bro play fifa n cod.

I later got into cs, then pubg also fifa and finally valo. But here's the thing - during an online tournament a couple of weeks ago I realized that almost all the gamers were dudes and I was one of only two girls from my neck of the woods.

And man I got roasted. From being teased for being a girl gamer to having my skills questioned it was tough. We didn't even win the tourney but I still had to deal with an hour of trash talk.

I have faced this stuff my whole life but this time it crossed a line and I had to take a break from gaming for a week.

So I'm asking - why is it like this? Why do we get targeted? I mean I can play just as well as any guy so what's the big deal right?

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