Feels good, screen doesn't seem as crisp as Focus S


New member
Aug 14, 2011
At the att store right playing with a titan, and im not impressed with the screen. Colors don't seem as crisp, and the green plant on the Bing search is a lot more dull on the Titan.

Its is a beastly phone though!

Mangos taste better than apples!
I picked up one today. Couldn't bring myself to return my Focus S. I have 2 weeks to decide which one to keep.
It is an awesome phone, feels awesome in the hand, and should sell really well. I guess im just spoiled with the Sammie screens.

Mangos taste better than apples!
I have to admit I feel the same way. I played with a Titan today in the AT&T store, and the build quality is amazing! It makes the Focus S feel like a child's toy. That said, I hate the way everything is varying shades of gray. I would much prefer the plastic pieces be black or something. I also agree about the screen. Maybe I'm spoiled since my last three phones have had amoled screens (captivate, focus, focus s) but I think the image on the Titan is nowhere close. I'm going back on Monday to make a final decision on whether I'm switching my Focus S for a Titan, but right now I'm leaning towards keeping the Focus S.
I thought the sammie colors were way too intense. The reds look like a red/orange hybrid. If the colors looked more accurate, I'd get it over the titan. Me and my sisters agreeds we thought the titan looked more true to the colors so I went with that.
I have a Focus and yes the blacks are really black. But I agree with the above, the contrast on SAMOLED is too intense it doesn't look natural. But man, the photos on SAMOLEDs seem to pop out!! A Titan with SAMOLED would be the perfect phone right now. There's just too many negatives in my opinion for the Focus S for me to buy it. It feels too plastic-ky! And I really do not feel it's worth what they're asking for.
Ah, I guess S-LCD is not *VA tech, as I always thought, then :( AMOLED, to be fair, is no infinate contrast. I've noticed on my Zune HD, Galaxy SII, Focus, and Focus S, a mostly black image (or all black) still has slightly uneven spots of brightness that is only visible in near pitch blackness. Was true of all four of my OLED display examples, so I'm assuming it's true of many others, too. But it's going to take something as opaque as IPS tech or *VA tech (currently) to even approach AMOLED's contrast levels (between colors/black).
I'm trying to decide... Focus S or Titan. I played with both briefly.
I played around with Titan at the Microsoft Store today and the color reproduction while better than the old SLCD screens, is not as good as the SAMOLED Plus screen on my Focus S. As a comparison, I turned both the Titan and my Focus S to high brightness and dark background with the red theme. The red on the Titan seemed washed out and not as crisp and at high brightness my Focus S's screen was actually brighter.

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The thing with super AMOLED is that the red you were seeing isn't "better reproduced" on the Focus S. It's actually an exaggerated color outside of the gamut of normal displays and print. It's ok to prefer vivid colors, but don't think for a second that it's more accurate.

I was showing my Titan off on Thursday and I got repeated unsolicited comments about the quality of the display. Colors, contrast, brightness, size. I am very satisfied.
Looking at a white screen I do not know how anyone could confuse the S with quality color reproduction. They need to release a firmware update to take blue out of the color balance I think.
AMOLED screens r nice, but i agree the colors are exaggerated. Since i work with gfx it always sorta bugged me. but i do like that black is black.
Went with the Titan! Can't believe I went with another HTC product, but I've heard a lot more positives about the Titan than I do the Focus when compared to each other.
If you're playing with a Titan in the store, make sure you turn OFF auto brightness! Set brightness to HIGH and then compare with the Focus S. Bet there won't be much a difference. And the crispness is due to the pixels being bigger, but it still looks razor sharp to me.

Also, my Titan is so bright on medium indoors that I can't imagine putting it on High brightness.
I prefer the exaggerated colors of the Focus S. But the sturdiness and larger screen won me over to the Titan. Had to get a refund on my Focus S and get a free Titan :)
Won my Titan. Am actually switching to ATT just to use it to it's full capabilities lol
I actually got mine for free... a penny off the already discounted device. haaa.

Couldn't manage to get my hands on a Focus S as well. Was trying to get both.
Looking at a white screen I do not know how anyone could confuse the S with quality color reproduction. They need to release a firmware update to take blue out of the color balance I think.

I couldn't agree more. I returned my Focus S for the Titan because I just couldn't stand the blue tint on white backgrounds. It was driving me insane.
Well, just exchanged my focus s for the titan. Definitely more substantial phone. This next part is just my opinion, but the screen quality isn't really close. The blacks on the titan are almost blue. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but right now at the beginning it's quite depressing. Maybe the focus has a blue tint on white screens but since I'm on black screens 90% of the time it really doesn't matter to me. I'm sure the colors are more accurate on the titan, but again I don't really care. The focus s screen had a serious pop to it. Another thing I noticed is the image degradation when scrolling. Its really visible with text.

I guess I have another 30 days to think it over. If Samsung comes out with a fix for the bugs I'll definitely be going back to the focus s.

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