File Manager ?

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This is the best possible solution imo. Graceful, smart, efficient, and doesn't blow a hole in wp's security or needlessly enable a file manager like most people think they want. This solution also kills like 7 birds with one stone- resolving many issues pertaining to storage simply adding a file manager won't fix.

Sorry for the second post, wp's inability to handle large amounts of text and random bugs that literally prevent me from using a forum is really starting to **** me off
I find it likely that the skydrive app will become the file manager. It makes sense since Windows 8.1 does the same thing

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I find it likely that the skydrive app will become the file manager. It makes sense since Windows 8.1 does the same thing

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I hope that isn't the case. While I use SkyDrive occasionally I don't want to depend on it. I don't want all my stuff in "The Cloud".
I hope that isn't the case. While I use SkyDrive occasionally I don't want to depend on it. I don't want all my stuff in "The Cloud".

i mean on Windows 8.1 SkyDrive app there's a this PC section under the SkyDrive section
For whomever stated this please define what and "advanced" smartphone user is cause I'm calling BS on it all day long. Many of the so-called "advanced" PC users are also full of it.

Now show me an advanced say .... wood router operator and ya got yourself something. That takes many years of refinement to achieve.
I have heard rumors of some type of "file manager" coming in WP 8.1, but I have heard so many rumors of WP 8.1 I am not sure what to believe. (XBOX Music fixes, notification center, more Office tools, world hunger solutions, the truth about Kennedy embedded in each update...)

I think a file manager is a lot like a removable battery to me: Better to have it and never use it then need it and not have it. If it could be done in a way that settles in nicely with WP's core functions and doesn't need gutting the software to accomplish, no harm- no foul.
I said in some thread before let the respective apps/hubs manage the files and only addition required is the ability to install apps on sd card,i mean what i see is many of them actually like creating folder's and then subfolders and subfolders and so on,i mean why wud i pay for a smartphone if it cannot take care of the has actually given promotion to piracy and also transfer freedom of illicit data to others very wp & infact ios also this is mostly or somewhat restricted so that's the major problem for people.
The fact that people have been managing without a file manager all these days, makes me think it's not that important.
I don't need a file manager, I do need the ability to attach files to an email though (especially PDFs). So if that is the only way I'm going to be able to do that, then I need a file manager.
Ok. I am the smartest person here, so I will tell you exactly what we need. :angel:

There needs to be a way to click on a file in a browser and save it to the dang phone. That's it. I found a sweet mp3 I want as a ringtone. I should be able to click on it and it can play, but it better give me an option to save it to the phone. Stick it in a download folder on the phone and give me an app that lets me see the list of files in there.

If I want to make that sound a ringtone, well when I'm picking my ringtones, give me an option to check the download folder and if I pick a sound from there, it automatically puts it in my ringtone folder.

Problem solved, close the thread, send me $100... no need to ever talk about file manger again... ever... never ever...

- tk-093 reporting from not at his post.....
Ok. I am the smartest person here, so I will tell you exactly what we need. :angel:

There needs to be a way to click on a file in a browser and save it to the dang phone. That's it. I found a sweet mp3 I want as a ringtone. I should be able to click on it and it can play, but it better give me an option to save it to the phone. Stick it in a download folder on the phone and give me an app that lets me see the list of files in there.

If I want to make that sound a ringtone, well when I'm picking my ringtones, give me an option to check the download folder and if I pick a sound from there, it automatically puts it in my ringtone folder.

Problem solved, close the thread, send me $100... no need to ever talk about file manger again... ever... never ever...

- tk-093 reporting from not at his post.....

Dude... Use GetThemAll or UC Browser. You can get any of the files you want, but no ringtone save yet.....
I dunno,
So far no file manager doesn't affect my UX.
Perhaps in the future if I become a heavy duty user (low probability) it may matter.

With my Andread devices I did use the file manager to assist with keeping myself confused however.
With my little WP collection I am no longer confused.
I don't see the point of having a file manager on a firkin cell phone. It adds unnecessary complexity to the experience and burdens the user with having to manage files and wonder about extensions, like a desktop.
Last I check one of the main attractions of mobile devices is intuitiveness and small learning curve. Adding a file manager would put both of those to waste.
TBH I feel deeply disappointed that on uservoice, file manager request sits at the top while useful things such as binding 3rd party applications to the camera button or a cleaned up, organized settings menu are no where to be found. Srsly guys?

We belong to the small population of enthusiasts. Let's not hamper WP's growth by adding unnecessary complexities just to suit our own desires but burdens everyone else (the average users)
It would be cool if we could access the file system as on the screenshot, this is on my 920 running stock rom(RM821_1232.2109.1242.1001),
Of course WP needs a file manager. If you don't need it yourself, just don't use it, so nothing will get more complex for you. But MS must not gives the api's free and must hide the system files. It can be made in a non complex way. At the same time all apps should handle the files as good as they can so you basically never need the file manager. But a file manager is still a basic requirement for any computer. And stop telling this is just a phone. That's what Nokia said when they got behind in the smartphone world. A phone is not just a phone anymore. It is for a lot of people becoming a PC replacement. In fact, since my sister has the L920 she barely ever touches her laptop anymore.
i dont think a file manager is necessary but for example while sending songs via bluetooth one needs to be waiting for the other mobile to get one file and then send the next file and so on.. if there is a feature of multiple selection of files to be sent via bluetooth instead of just selecting it to delete it alone, it would be much better!
For whomever stated this please define what and "advanced" smartphone user is cause I'm calling BS on it all day long. Many of the so-called "advanced" PC users are also full of it.

Now show me an advanced say .... wood router operator and ya got yourself something. That takes many years of refinement to achieve.

That's exactly what I was thinking. It's the same as people saying that advanced PC users don't use the Start screen, WTF!!?!

I'll get flamed for this next part but I don't care, I'm sick of people calling themselves advanced users and then not backing that up with what they think an "advanced" user is, I'll have a go at it then:

In technology terms I see four distinct types of users, basic, advanced, expert and business. Basic users know how to do the things they need to do and that's all, advanced users are those who see change but don't like it and refuse to even try to get used to it, expert users are those who see change, adapt to it and learn how to incorporate it into their workflow. Business users are a little different as their devices are controlled by an IT department in most cases so they don't have a say on what they need to adapt to.
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