Well, I've been using Windows Central for about 6 months and never made an introduction. I've been using a Lumia 820 for a little over a year now.
I'm a high school student, I'll be graduating next year. I've used all three of the major phone ecosystems, but I only fell in love with Windows Phone. Thanks to me, over 10 people in my community have switched to Windows Phone. I'm pretty active in the forums and article comments here, don't know if anyone here would actually recognize me though.
I run the Windows 10 Tech Preview as my main OS, and the current Developer Preview for my phone. I plan on upgrading to a better phone hopefully by the end of the year, but am still stuck on what to do (I use Straight Talk/AT&T, but they have crappy coverage here, only Verizon has perfect coverage around here). I watch The Walking Dead and Gotham, and am a huge Batman fanatic. I am a huge Microsoft promoter.
Thanks for reading
I'm a high school student, I'll be graduating next year. I've used all three of the major phone ecosystems, but I only fell in love with Windows Phone. Thanks to me, over 10 people in my community have switched to Windows Phone. I'm pretty active in the forums and article comments here, don't know if anyone here would actually recognize me though.
I run the Windows 10 Tech Preview as my main OS, and the current Developer Preview for my phone. I plan on upgrading to a better phone hopefully by the end of the year, but am still stuck on what to do (I use Straight Talk/AT&T, but they have crappy coverage here, only Verizon has perfect coverage around here). I watch The Walking Dead and Gotham, and am a huge Batman fanatic. I am a huge Microsoft promoter.
Thanks for reading