First Pictures of 920 | Rogers Canada

Hi Xsever,

Signed up here just for you. :P

Can you pin a website to start and see if all three tile sizes are available? Assuming that the smallest size works: Does it just display the IE symbol or does it shrink down the screenshot as required? (Crossing my fingers that it does!)

Thanks in advance!
Hi Xsever,

Signed up here just for you. :P

Can you pin a website to start and see if all three tile sizes are available? Assuming that the smallest size works: Does it just display the IE symbol or does it shrink down the screenshot as required? (Crossing my fingers that it does!)

Thanks in advance!

Only the two smallest (square, and smaller square) are available for pinned sites. For both sizes the tile icon is a thumbnail of the website.
Only the two smallest (square, and smaller square) are available for pinned sites. For both sizes the tile icon is a thumbnail of the website.
Thanks, you just made my day! I generally prefer mobile websites over their respective apps, so I pin them to start using custom favicons. I was really hoping that the smallest tile'd show a thumbnail, like you say it does. Goodbye, cumbersome IE favorites!
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Say what?
GSM arena clearly states under:
USB Yes, microUSB v2.0, USB On-the-go support

Nokia Lumia 920 - Full phone specifications

If that is not true I must say I sure hope it is just a question of time for it to be released on WP8 update so one can down and upload files to a USB-stick via a cable for example.
USB OTG is da **** :D

I do not have a cable so I really can't fully confirm or deny this.
Excellent posting and walk throughs - I wish you hade to 920s so you could shoot your demos with a 920 instead of the 900 (that seems to shake a lot) :D

I am EXTREMELY interested in the VIDEO camera and wonder of you could do the following tests - answer some questions?

1a. Is there a video camera assist light or anything else that lights up when you shoot video? Maybe you could film the lens side of the L920 as you record video with it?

1b. If yes, can it be turned on/off from the menu?
(i saw one review where it looked like they had light assist when they shot video, so I am curious. Sometimes it is good to have to light up the subject, but sometimes like when at weddings, parties and stuff you dont want to flash people with two bright LEDs in the face :D)

2. It seems like there is some extreme colour shift on the videos. In the outdoor scene it radically changes white balance and even in the indoor scene where you force flourescent WB it changes in white balanace both with and without autofocus.
Does that happen all the time when shooting video or was it only those two occasions?

3. Could you shoot a 1080p video please and then shoot 720 p of the exact same scene as good as possible. I know it is bigger but a 15s video would work fine :)
I want to see if the 1080 adds quality or if it is like other phones where it only seems to either zoom in or just makes a bigger file but the sensor is not good enough to get more detail.
a - Please shoot one in normal daylight and try focusing on different things close and far away and se how well the autofocus works. An extreme test would be moving hand in front of camera and then remove it to see reaction speed and accuracy of autofoucs (the hand might also influence white balance)
b - Please shoot one in low lightning indoors - like with dimmed lights (not candle light dark, more like when the TV is on lighting up the room)

4. Is there any good video camera app for the phone. The built in seems to have a lot of gimmicks but I really want one that can handle white balance, auto focus, codecs and so on professionally at least until Nokia releases a fix for the white balance issue.

5. It also seemed to have problems focusing in the end of the scene whene you ran up the stairs and after you went through the door at the end of the corridor it got blurry. Does that happen a lot? I mean 1080 is no use without focus :)

6. Is there any photo app available? Removing the "sharpness" control was not a very smart move by nokia. I have looked at comparisons with GS3 and the GS3 looks sharper both due to lens probably but also since GS3 adds A LOT of sharpening (so much it causes ringing). L920 on the other hand seems to add NO sharpening nor NR (noise reduction). This is great when you want to shoot serious and do touch ups after, but for casual point and shoot I would love to be able to add a degree of NR and EE (Edge enhancement)..not much but a touch just to make the pictures seem a bit more razor without ringing or destroying too much detail :)

7a. Does the screen turn off as you put the phone to your ear for calling?

7b. Does it have the same useful feature as the Samsung GS3 that the screen backlight stays on as long as you look at it? Or is there an app for that?

8. Is there any "samsung style" drag down bar app (the one where you can turn on off GPS, WiFi, BT, rotation, sound, see notifications and reminders) to download for the phone. That will probably be the part I miss the most from my Sammy GS2 since I use it as much as the screen lock, but that is basically the only thing i will miss :)

9 Can you pin the calendar to the lock screen so that you just tap the lock screen and then you can see for example the coming 3days scheduled appointments? I have that on my old 5230 and it is super usefull since i check the calendar often for meetings (bad memory i guess :D )

10 Can you choose your own sound for the shutter and video start/stop? Can You disable them?

11. Can you have only haptic feedback on keyboard (no clickety click)

12. Is there as swipe alternative for WP8?

I really love the work you do for us - I have scavanged the net since the release for tests and found a lot but yours are really the best ones, especially photo and video tests. I can send a bunch of external links for test if you want to collect more :)

PLEASE up the full vids of 1080 tests on skydrive since Youtube destroys the original quality :)

Especially 1080 videos taken with this super phone :)
The OIS really seems amazing :-)
And the phone is SUPER STUNNING to look at. I love the curves.
I am getting a red one - that colour looks really crisp and cool. The downside it is not as versatile if I want to change colour of live tiles since not all matches red :)

Best regards

1ab. Yes there is. You can select it manually ON or OFF.

2. When I manually selected the correct white balance as you can see in other videos i have added after the first driving one, the color shift disappeared and the video was much much better.

3. [Can't promise you I will. Not a lot of time on my hand these days.]

4. No other 3rd party video camera in the Store.

5. That only happened in that occasion. Other videos I have are perfectly fine with the focus.

6. The regular photo editing apps are available in the Store such as Fotoroom and others. Haven't used them yet.

7a. Of course.
b. Proximity sensor does a good job dimming/shining the screen based on light and proximity. When you leave the phone for some seconds and before the lockscreen timing, the phone dims to save battery. As soon as you touch it again, it goes back to bright.

8. No but there are shortcut tiles you can pin to the start screen that give you quick access to these settings.

9. Yes

10. No

11. No. Sound only.

12. No

You don't ask a lot of questions do you?! :D

1ab. Yes there is. You can select it manually ON or OFF.
Great :)

2. When I manually selected the correct white balance as you can see in other videos i have added after the first driving one, the color shift disappeared and the video was much much better.
I was thinking of the outdoor scene on your skydrive in full 720p. Also here
The colours shifts really badly when going from tree (brown-ish) - clearing (yellow-green-ish) - house (green-blue-ish) - street (correct colours) and then back to start the same thing os observed.
Obviously there is some problem with the auto selection of white balance. Nothing that I think Nokia wont fix in future updates though. They allready mentioned the fix with the sharpness (hopefully with manual controls in next FW)

3. [Can't promise you I will. Not a lot of time on my hand these days.]
Im keeping my fingers X'ed :)

5. That only happened in that occasion. Other videos I have are perfectly fine with the focus.
Great :)

7b. Proximity sensor does a good job dimming/shining the screen based on light and proximity. When you leave the phone for some seconds and before the lockscreen timing, the phone dims to save battery. As soon as you touch it again, it goes back to bright.
That is good, but the problem is if you are reading a web page and dont touch the screen every now and then it dims or even goes in lock mode i guess.
The GS3 stays fully lit up as long as the front camera (i am guessing) sees that you are looking at the screen. Really nifty function :) Hope that an app will come for that :)

8. No but there are shortcut tiles you can pin to the start screen that give you quick access to these settings.
Thansk, but its not really the same thing as having them accessible by a quick drag down regardless where you are, in word, web browser or whatever when you might want to turn on/off something. Even iPhone copied that "somewhat" but ther version is not as useful as the original droid bar.

10. No
11. No. Sound only.
12. No

You don't ask a lot of questions do you?! :D
The only way to learn is by asking my teeacher once said :P
Thanks a HUGE bunch for all the replies :excl:
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3. [Can't promise you I will. Not a lot of time on my hand these days.]

I can help out with that. I took 2 videos, one at 1080p and one at 720p. They are 30s and 31s long respectively, and of pretty much the same thing.!2099

I can try and do a more thorough comparison in different settings when I get home.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the settings used in the video are as follows:

White Balance: Auto
Continuous Focus: On
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Excellent videos

I can help out with that. I took 2 videos, one at 1080p and one at 720p. They are 30s and 31s long respectively, and of pretty much the same thing.!2099

I can try and do a more thorough comparison in different settings when I get home.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, the settings used in the video are as follows:

White Balance: Auto
Continuous Focus: On

WOW - You really nailed it :)
Thanks a lot for those videos - the shows everything I needed to know.

1. Nokia uses the full sensor both for 1080p and 720p (but scale the latter down).

This is a much better way to do it that for exampl my Galaxy S2 which in 1080 mode has a very narrow viewing angle but for 720p has a very wide viewing angle (it seems as though they use the centre of the chip for 720p and somehow fits more info in the picture that way - dont ask me how but it is annoying to have different viewing angles for different resoltions)

2. There is slightly more detail in the 1080p at full screen. Its mostly visible when camera is not panning for example at PC screen text where you can read some of the small font words in 1080p and the cardboard box umbrella label far away is obiously better defined. As soon as panning starts it is very hard to see differences due to motion blur but 1080p seems a bit sharper when panning over the slate - the large "Start" text in the upper left corner seems less blurry but that could be related to different panning speed.

3. The White balance is once again an issue. White balance is correct shooting towards cupboard and white board but as soon as PC-light (60Hz?) comes into the picure it gets very "brownish". This is certainly something that Nokia needs to address quickly since it is a lot worse than not having razor sharp pictures. This is extremely obvious whereas the image issue is only seen side by side with other photos and that only happens at reviews ;)

I humbly thank you for your sharing :excl:
No problem man. I'll probably be shooting some more 720p/1080p comparison videos over the next few days as in curious myself.

WOW - You really nailed it :)
Thanks a lot for those videos - the shows everything I needed to know.

1. Nokia uses the full sensor both for 1080p and 720p (but scale the latter down).

This is a much better way to do it that for exampl my Galaxy S2 which in 1080 mode has a very narrow viewing angle but for 720p has a very wide viewing angle (it seems as though they use the centre of the chip for 720p and somehow fits more info in the picture that way - dont ask me how but it is annoying to have different viewing angles for different resoltions)

2. There is slightly more detail in the 1080p at full screen. Its mostly visible when camera is not panning for example at PC screen text where you can read some of the small font words in 1080p and the cardboard box umbrella label far away is obiously better defined. As soon as panning starts it is very hard to see differences due to motion blur but 1080p seems a bit sharper when panning over the slate - the large "Start" text in the upper left corner seems less blurry but that could be related to different panning speed.

3. The White balance is once again an issue. White balance is correct shooting towards cupboard and white board but as soon as PC-light (60Hz?) comes into the picure it gets very "brownish". This is certainly something that Nokia needs to address quickly since it is a lot worse than not having razor sharp pictures. This is extremely obvious whereas the image issue is only seen side by side with other photos and that only happens at reviews ;)

I humbly thank you for your sharing :excl:
Here are probably the first pictures of the phone from a consumer.

Purchase Story:

I called my Rogers Store in Windsor, Ontario, Canada around 11:30 A.M. EST and they said they just received 2 Lumia 920.

I got there at 12:00 P.M. and bought the first one. The phone off-contract was $600 + 13% tax = $678.

I made some of the video reviews right away in my car filming with my Lumia 900.

I hope what's below helps answering your questions.

Part 1 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.1 - YouTube
Part 2 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.2 - YouTube
Part 3 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.3 - YouTube
Part 4 Video Review: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.4 - YouTube
Multitasking/Whatsapp Video: Nokia Lumia 920 Multitasking - YouTube
Daylight Video Driving Sample: Nokia Lumia 920 Daylight Video Driving - YouTube
Nighttime Video Driving Sample: Nighttime Video Driving Sample - YouTube
Video Recording with Loud Music inside a vehicle:Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Loud Recording - YouTube
180-degree video recording: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | 180-degree Video - YouTube
Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.5: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.5 - YouTube
Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Camera Settings:Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Camera Settings - YouTube
NEWFluorescent White Balance: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Fluorescent White Balance - YouTube
NEW Auto Focus OFF Walking: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Auto Focus OFF Walking - YouTube
NEW Walking up the stairs video and running: Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Up The Stairs Video - YouTube
NEW Night Driving Video | AF OFF:Nokia Lumia 920 Review | Night Driving AF OFF - YouTube
NEW Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.6: Nokia Lumia 920 First Review | Rogers Canada Pt.6 - YouTube

Full-res pictures taken with the 920 (continuously updated):
Panoramic Picture taken with the "lenses" feature can be seen here:
Side by side comparison of 920 vs 900 at night. The 900 had Night mode ON.:
Box Contents: In-ear piece is WH-208. Charger is AC-16U (same as 900).
3 new side-by-side comparisons between the 920 and the 900 at 6:30 P.M. EST. Very cloudy and light starting to fade: , ,
Pure Darkness - Flash on AUTO: --- Outside - Streetlight - No Flash:
NEW Various pictures taken today inside and outside:

Quick notes/answers:
1.No info on whether bluetooth is 4.0 or not. No mention in the manual nor the box.
2.Nokia Counters app can't be downloaded yet. It says the app needs features the phone doesn't have. (ironic)
3.Battery gets warmer than the 900's when being charged. It is also more towards the top of the phone.
4.No Macro Focus mode in the camera and no Contract setting neither. I always had my 900's camera contract at High.
5.Can't add Whatsapp notification to Lockscreen. Whatsapp developers need to update their app.
6.Mobile Network setting has add internet apn and mms apn
7.Backup options: app list+settings, text messages, photos.
8. Phone can take clear pictures of books/text while my 900 used to struggle getting a clear focus.
9. Multitasking and resuming apps is definitely very very fast.
10. So far, WIFI still turns OFF 30 seconds after the phone sleeps.
11. GPS is lightning fast and the phone has Nokia Drive Beta+ version and map version is
12.Facebook app notification count on tile and lockscreen are stuck at 3 although I already saw the notifications and they are cleared inside the app (PUSH still a hit/miss with WP)
13. I would have loved a feature when you can tap on the notification on the lock screen and it would tell you who called you or who the message/email is from. Now you only see the icon with a number but without other info.
14.First LTE Speed test on Rogers Wireless LTE Network with 2 signal bars: 12.6Mbps download and 6Mbps upload with 161ms latency
15. Frequency bands listed on the box:WCDMA850/900/1900/2100/1700_2100 LTE700/850/1900/1700_2100 GSMQUAD
16.Other 920 users are claiming the ones sold by Rogers are FACTORY UNLOCKED. I will verify this as soon as I can get my hands on a non-Rogers micro sim card.

17.I tried my in-ear headset in both the 900 and the 920 playing the same song and the results are very very similar. The audio was crisp clear and the bass was very rich. (Not an audio expert)
18. Macro Focus Mode is not an option anymore because of OIS. Instead there is a Focus Assist Light which helps the camera focus.
19.Phone gets warmer than the Lumia 900 above the camera when in heavy use / long charging time.
20. I just put a Fido sim card in it and it worked and I was able to make a phone call and even got 3G (since Fido doesn't have LTE yet).
Therefore, the early batch of Lumia 920s sold by Rogers are FACTORY UNLOCKED!

21. Battery Life Update: I haven't been tracking numbers, but so far, it seems the 920's battery life is better than the 900.
22. A proxy can be enabled for an access point guys.

I am studying Electrical Engineering and taking courses in batteries and learnt that the more often you can charge a battery from a higher level, the better since long/deep charging cycles take a lot of time which produce more heat --> which raises the battery's temperature --> which decreases its health and life cycle.

So I always plug my device whenever I can until it reaches 100%.

Overall though, battery life is not issue. I can see the phone easily lasting 1.5 days with moderate use.

NOTE: I am on LTE at work with 1 to 2 bars only yet battery life is still amazing.
Hi, can you help me out with the Nokia maps? Is it restrict to the country where it was sold or can I download other maps for other areas? Thanks!
Hi, can you help me out with the Nokia maps? Is it restrict to the country where it was sold or can I download other maps for other areas? Thanks!

You can download any map that was made by Nokia. No restrictions.
Thanks for giving so much time and effort.
Only one thing i want to know is WHATSAPP performance on lumia 920.
The most used app now a days. So i want that is it same as iphone or slow ?
Could u please post a video of full whatsapp ?? So many folks asking about this on various forums.
But still no video of whatsapp on WP8.
Disappointed with my Lumia 920

I found the following issues with my Lumia 920:

-Although the camera took better than average low light pictures, pictures taken in brightly lit situations were often softer than on my Galaxy S3 or iPhone 5,

-Batter life was horrendous, especially when taking pictures. At most I got 6-7 hours of battery life where I would get 12-15 on my other phones with similar use

-Although it mostly felt solid, the top section of the phone was apparently hollow as i could push gently on the spot next to the sim slot and it would bend down easily making a clicking sound (only noticed when I pulled it out of my car mount.

Sadly the battery life was the deal breaker...I had to sell it right away. I can confirm the Rogers model I had was factory unlocked (tested with Bell sim card)

I've included some of the pictures I took from my Skydrive if anyone is interested :)!124&authkey=!AAAgx1vNNDxbTn0
Just wanted to specifically thank Xsever for all the hard work and hassle he's put up with us over this past week. I can honestly say that your reviews and pictures and direct help has made a big difference on which phone I went for. Thanks!
Xserver, hope you are still enjoying the 920. I would like to know if the 920 is DLNA certified and if so can it be used as both renderer and server? Thanks

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