In case anyone is still interested in my initial impressions of the phone (MTC Trophy / Mango), now that I have had the phone for close to 48 hours:
I am starting to like WP7, however I am still having trouble with the following:
1. Camera turns on for no apparent reason. I am 100% sure that I am not accidentally holding down the shutter button.
2. Haptic feedback when I don't need it.
3. Very poor battery performance.
4. 3G data speeds
5. Browser does not render Gmail like Android / iOS
6. Poor camera quality.
7. Apps need to be built to support multitasking, and many of them haven't been updated
I know that the apps that I am looking for (Chase, Citibank, Pandora) will eventually come to the device and that improvements will be made, so I may decide to stick with the platform, but not the device.
For the short term, are there any current generation WP7 devices that are better than the Trophy? I'd like to see if my WP7 experience is any better on other devices.
I figure that I can continue to play with other WP7 devices while waiting for the second gen devices to be released by ATT in Oct, and will then switch to one of those.
thanks in advance for the advice!
Sounds like a fautly device, my HD7 does none of that. I mean sometimes I accidentally press the camera button in my pocket but that is not the phone's fault haha.
As for gmail you can add it as a mail client, but if you do need it to open in the browser then ask gmail to update their device list to add ie9 mobile. It just came out so I am sure a lot of sites will be adding it soon to their render html5 views.
The camera on the HD7 isn't that great either, Focus seems to have the best camera of current devices. Titan, Radar and whatever Nokia releases should be big steps up in this department.
Agree about the apps, wich the high profile ones at least would get updates.