
Active member
Aug 1, 2011
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I had flash on my droid and it didn't work that well. Seems like it takes serious horsepower to play flash and then it sucks the battery down. I don't miss it at all.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express


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Aug 30, 2011
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We're not behind Android. It took Adobe nearly two years to get flash ported to Android and WP7 is not even a year old yet. It could still very well be on it's way.


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Aug 13, 2011
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We have html5 on mango, Flash will soon die because of it. Besides It is a total resource hog even on a desktop and it never works right. As far as I'm concerned flash only works well for is crappy ads. And android can't even perform simple tasks without failing, wp7 is not behind.


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Aug 4, 2011
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Big D5 dont hurt

Ok every one you are SERIOUSLY misunderstanding my comment. I love my Windows Phone and i look forward to HTML5+! WP7 as an OS is not behind Android or iOS by any means, what i meant by behind is because flash & windows goes together hand in hand and I do like flash i like being able to watch a video without having to open youtube.


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Sep 13, 2011
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Where is Flash? Where is my better web browsing experience? Why are we behind Android?

WebOS & Android. IPhone, kind of... IPhone has either an app or site you can go through that interprets flash, server side, then pushes it to the iPhone. Pain in the butt, so natively, just Android and webOS, but nether run all flash sites as good as a PC.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre using Forums


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Aug 1, 2011
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When I had my droid I would brag about the ability to play flash until I realized I rarely went to flash sites and when I did they didn't play very well.

Sent from my Windows 7 phone using Board Express

Umm Yeah

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Jun 11, 2011
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The only mobile devices that do flash well are notebook computers... Maybe netbooks too.

-- Sent from my Palm Pre using Forums

The BlackBerry PlayBook does Flash very well, but otherwise it's been received lukewarmly at best. Walt Mossberg, in his otherwise tepid review said this:

"The browser, while sometimes slow to load, is highly capable, even on sites designed for a regular computer, and does the best job with Flash video and Flash sites I have ever seen on a tablet?far better than on any Android device I?ve tested. I couldn?t find a Flash video the PlayBook couldn?t handle, and it even breezed through a site written entirely in Flash, which other Flash-capable mobile devices couldn?t. The iPad, of course, can?t use Flash at all."

If RIM's new QNX phones are using the same engine, they might be a competitor. If only RIM is breathing that long....


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May 15, 2011
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I'm fairly certain Flash was initially intended as animation software, and is still often used as such. As long as the TV industry continues to use it, it's not going anywhere. There's a good many animated series that use it for this purpose. (Come on, I'm sure there's a few closet "Friendship is Magic" fans in here.)

The "real" purpose of flash is to provide people with an art/animation tool that saves in a vector format, rather than a rasterized format, resulting in cleaner images at any resolution, and tiny files that can be easily played over the 'net, even without broadband connections. Many of the current uses for it weren't really intended by the original development of the program, and came along later when Macromedia (and later Adobe) realized people had found other uses for it.

When people say HTML5 will replace it, they're usually thinking of the fancy webpage-creation aspect of it that developed later on. IMO, until there's some sort of WYSIWYG editor out there that reproduces the effect of working in flash for applications such as animation, I really doubt HTML5 will ever completely replace it. (Heck, that's why Silverlight hasn't done it.) And quite frankly, I want to be able to watch Strong Bad on my Trophy the way I used to be able to watch it on an Omnia 2.

And before anybody asks, I use Flash mainly as an art medium.

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