Flood Verizon Support with Tweets?


New member
Jun 30, 2013


Aug 2, 2012
1) I personally view this as misguided for the simple reason that VZW has the best record among the US carriers in getting WP updates out to customers. Name an update that was not released and a phone they stopped supporting. The update has not been out that long and the fact that they use different cellular technology can complicate things at times since they are not really the same phones as AT&T.
2) VZW ignores such stuff from the Android crowd, I seriously doubt they will pay attention to the proportionally tiny number of WP users. This flood would amount to the equivalent of a leaky faucet in a sink with no stopper.
3) It is also their long standing policy to play this sort of thing very close to the vest - nothing new here. They will not set a date nor push a schedule just to make a few people happy (regardless of how vocal) since they stand to lose a lot more by a botched update release.
4) Regardless of any complaints, they know that almost all of their customers are going absolutely no where. In the end you are drawing more negativity towards Microsoft and Windows Phone than VZW.
Personally, I just don't get the whole instant gratification thing. If I was to tweet them anything it would be (a rare) compliment for not dumping a half baked update on me. It is not hurting anyone to wait a few weeks or even a couple months to get something that works. You can also have WP 8.1 in about an hour if you want via the DP program. It will then take all of an hour to roll back and re-update when Cyan and 8.1 are officially released.


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I am not whining about not getting the update. I am not one of those who checks their phone every hour looking for 8.1 to magically appear. I am not filing complaints with the FCC. I am simply saying that it would be nice for Verizon (and any other carrier) to announce something like:
"Hey Verizon customers, we have the update and are testing it. Testing typically takes "X" number of weeks. We will announce when the update is ready for download."
I for one, would expect nothing more and nothing less. Instead we get some lame response such as "We share your same anticipation & excitement for new software releases!" Communicate something like I propose above and most of the users here wouldn't be hyperventilating - see the 145 pages (& counting) of 8.1 update tracking. That has to be a record of some sort.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
I am not whining about not getting the update. I am not one of those who checks their phone every hour looking for 8.1 to magically appear. I am not filing complaints with the FCC. I am simply saying that it would be nice for Verizon (and any other carrier) to announce something like:
"Hey Verizon customers, we have the update and are testing it. Testing typically takes "X" number of weeks. We will announce when the update is ready for download."
I for one, would expect nothing more and nothing less. Instead we get some lame response such as "We share your same anticipation & excitement for new software releases!" Communicate something like I propose above and most of the users here wouldn't be hyperventilating - see the 145 pages (& counting) of 8.1 update tracking. That has to be a record of some sort.
Im not afraid to admit I check my phone about every hour looking for the cyan update. But Im patient. I do have the developers preview though


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I for one am tired of reading of all the great features of 8.1 & not being able to get an update from Verizon for my Icon. Getting to the point that I will be purchasing a Moto X-1 when it come out next month. It's almost like Verizon is intentionally crippling the windows phone platform in failing to push updates out on a timely basis!


New member
Feb 15, 2008
I for one am tired of reading of all the great features of 8.1 & not being able to get an update from Verizon for my Icon. Getting to the point that I will be purchasing a Moto X-1 when it come out next month. It's almost like Verizon is intentionally crippling the windows phone platform in failing to push updates out on a timely basis!
Ill wait for Verizon to get it right. I believe it would be more crippling to push out an update that doesnt work well than to get it out there to the public with a lot of problems.


New member
Aug 13, 2013
I for one am tired of reading of all the great features of 8.1 & not being able to get an update from Verizon for my Icon. Getting to the point that I will be purchasing a Moto X-1 when it come out next month. It's almost like Verizon is intentionally crippling the windows phone platform in failing to push updates out on a timely basis!

Hope you enjoy your new device. This is another crippling factor for Microsoft/Windows Phone; an impatient customer base that feels a sense of entitlement to the latest and greatest. Your phone won't mysteriously stop working because you don't have Cyan.
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Active member
Feb 18, 2011
Yea, they are delayed but, part of me says, I would rather have a bug free experience with it because it took a little longer than a lot of bugs coming out from a rushed update.

Still, if I get a second later, I will also send a Tweet to vzw to ask when we will get the update, not that they will tell me anything anyway but, maybe they will create a record for it...

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