I just got mine today. It's quite different from the Treo 800w. One thing that disappoints me is that I can't find the FM radio that is supposed to be in this phone. According to HTC's website, there is one in it. Dang if I can find it.
It is not on the Sprint Touch Pro. The file name is fmradio.exe and it is not there. I haven't searched at all, like at XDA (it appears to be down at the moment), but hold tight if the hardware is there the software will follow.
The radio doesn't need anything but headphones. It uses the cable as an antenna. Otherwise, the FM receiver is built into the iPod itself. No WiFi needed, particularly since the Nano doesn't have a WiFi antenna..
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It is not on the Sprint Touch Pro. The file name is fmradio.exe and it is not there. I haven't searched at all, like at XDA (it appears to be down at the moment), but hold tight if the hardware is there the software will follow