For all you people who just got a Titan...

I returned the Focus S for this phone. I liked the Focus S, but there were far too many firmware type bugs makine the device annoyint. I also was on the fence about the build quality. I didn't really like the plastic feel ultimately.

I was HOUNDING the ATT stores in my area and finally found one that got ONE in a shipment. They held it for me and I picked it up.

This phone is SOLID! You can't even compare build quality of this to the Focus S. This device just 'feels right'. I haven't experienced any flaws mentioned above (WiFi disconnecting randomly, yellowish 'hue' on white screens or dead pixels). The screen size, which is what I was afraid of and how it would feel in my hands, actually feels just right too. I would think any phone bigger than this (Hello Samsung Note) would just be uncomfortable in the hands and against the ear. The phone is a tad bit heavier than the Focus S, but not uncomfortably so. I had an HTC Arrive on Sprint and that thing was a BRICK! This feels far lighter than the Arrive.

I am monitoring battery useage. Obviously the 1600mah battery is a tad smaller than the 1650 in the Focus S, but we shall see.

I DO, however, want a case for it. While the build is solid, the back does feel 'slick'. I usually like to find cases anyway that prevent my phones from sliding around on smooth surfaces.

While the device may be very hard to find, I do think it's worth being checked out if you're thinking about it.
So how does the width of the phone feel in your hand? I sort of want the Titan, but I'm not sure about the size. Is it possible to type comfortably with 1 hand or is totally necessary to use 2 at all times?
aimfire, the first one I opened had a dead pixel that was completely dark on white background. The second had a blue stuck pixel and the third is perfect (except a spec of cardboard looking dust in the front camera (meh; just wanted a perfect screen).

HTC is def slacking with little things but most people besides those like us wouldn't even notice much or mind.

What I learned yesterday, though, is that the people at the physical microsoft stores are awesome and willing to make sure you leave happy. I told the guy I was scared to buy because I've seen pretty variable htc quality and he told me not to worry, just have a seat and examine each one carefully!:P

Maybe the MS stores all got a bad batch, lol. I agree though, they are all very nice there and remembered me from the day before, were asking how I liked the phone, etc. Exchanging it was no problem, they didn't argue with me about the dead pixels or anything else.
Dead pixel problem is a bit unsettling. I am ordering one online and will not be able to check before walking out of the store.

I finally got a HTC TITAN. Turned in my Focus S for a TITAN and no regrets. The phone feels solid in the hand :)
This is my first wp7 and also wanted to know if the low clicking autofocus-sounding noise was normal when the camera app is in use and the camera is working. Mine makes a distinct sound that is audible in a completely quiet environment. Just wondering if it's normal.

To the point: I love this device. The screen's arguably low resolution:real estate is not as bad as I imagined (or bad at all, really). I will come back with a good impression after a day or three since I just bought it last night.

I don't have my device yet but I remember on a reading a review (I think it was Engadget's) that said they liked the hearing the clicking sound of the camera focusing, so it sounds like it's normal.
After calling stores all day long I finally got one! Traded in my focus s for the Titan and am very happy so far. The store only had one in stock. I still don't understand how AT&T could have messed up this launch so bad.

So far I am having none of the reported issues. My screen had no dead pixels and there is no yellow tint anywhere. Haven't had any wifi issues either.

The phone is awesome! While it is huge it isn't that much bigger than the focus s. The Titan just barely has any bezel. I haven't had any problems using it with just one hand but it may be tough for some if they ave smaller hands. Everything is so buttery smooth. Awesome phone.

If u have any questions I will be happy to answer them.
Dead pixel problem is a bit unsettling. I am ordering one online and will not be able to check before walking out of the store.

I finally got a perfect one today, no dead pixels! The people at the MS store said they have gotten no other returns for dead pixels, so maybe I was just really unlucky here.
I won mine from a WP event and haven't had any dead pixels or other issues

Sent from my HD7 using Board Express
Got my Titan last night after returning the Focus S. Love the size and feel. definitley has a quality feel to it. Taking some time to get used to the button placement, that will come with time. In desperate need of a case as the phone is very slippery in hand. So far the battery seems better than the Focus S? Also for those of you having the Focus\Focus S headphone issues, I purchased a back up headset from Amazon and it works flawlessly wtih the Titan. It did not work properly at all on the S or Focus. The Titan does not come with a headset.
Any one know if it is possible to bump up my upgrade date from Jan14 - 2012 to say the day of the online sale?
Any one know if it is possible to bump up my upgrade date from Jan14 - 2012 to say the day of the online sale?
Tried with no luck at a Windows Store (though I wasn't really expecting them to). Gonna try an AT&T store on Saturday. That way I can say look, you have this penny deal going on. Can you honor the price as well as shoot my an early upgrade (barely 2 months early). I'm sure I'm going to get a big fat no. Which really is ridiculous.
I think an AT&T manager can override the upgrade date. You can ask; the worst that can happen is they say no.
I absolutely love this phone, it feels amazing, and doesn't feel bulky at all (my hands aren't big whatsoever). The screen is stunning, and i never get tired of looking at it...I don't have any of the previously stated problems with my phone, like the dead pixels or the yellow-tinted screen, my screen is flawless...

...however, i feel as though the problem i am experiencing with my TITAN is isolated, because i can't find any info on it at all. My problem is the speaker seems to randomly decrease in volume for no reason at all, and the only way i have been able to restore maximum volume is to restart the phone. Also, i don't know if anyone else is having complaints from Tango (the app) recipients not being able to hear you. Everytime i call someone via Tango, they say they can either barely hear me, or not hear me at all (and yes, i have ran the typical troubleshooting list, and to no avail).

Anyways, other than those two tidbits...i have nothing but great appreciation for this Phone. It was well-built, and the camera on this thing is absolutely gorgeous...which is great because i want to make sure every moment of my 9 month old daughter's life is captured if the highest of quality. :-)
Battery life on the first day: 7:30am off the charger, made it to 6:10pm when it shut off.

Usage: Periodic (but not constant) showing off. Some app installs. ~20 minute phone call. About an hour at lunch with REALLY poor service which made me look like an idiot trying to demonstrate the phone.

Then last night I charged it fully, unplugged it, and started fooling around with it fairly heavily. I lost 25% battery in an hour.
I'm going to do a "total review" First off, I'll start with my impressions regarding the way ATT handles the launch of their non iPhone devices. I'll start by saying that I've had both a Samsung Focus S and now have the HTC Titan. I am entirely disappointed with how ATT handles their releases of non Apple devices. It's pathetic, in simplest of terms. I feel like ATT is completely disconnected from their user base, and works more on brand marketing, rather than letting the user have a great phone experience. Between Manufacturers branding their phones with proprietary programs, design, etc. We also have to deal with the Retailers putting their badge on the phone, splash screens (useless btw), and their crappy apps. I would very much like to find a way around these, and I'm curious if Chevron can remove any of the junk installed on the phone from the Retailers.

Anyways, onto my ATT concerns. Followed up by my actual Hardware review. :)

1. My phone did not come assembled. The back was not attached to the phone, and one of the antenna in the bottom lower portion of the body was slightly bent due to the fact that the phone was not assembled upon arrival. I had to put the plate back on.

2. There were no headphones. The retail box version includes headphones. All other phones come with headphones, and the Focus S actually comes with in ear headphones and tips. I dont understand why ATT would remove this, as it is apart of the cost of the phone, regardless of how much of it was subsidized.

3. I'm really tired of ATT modifying the box contents, and glass of the phones, as well as removing features they do not want. In this case, I am upset that iPhone gets to rule the roost and release their phones in the original boxing with zero branding from ATT. However, my phone is littered with ATT junk ware (that can be removed) a crappy ATT load screen, and the removal of awesome features, such as the green color.

(Side note: The phone has Lime, and Green. Did WP7 include both of those? I thought they only included 1 green color on my SFocusS.)

-Actual phone impressions
--I love the phone. It's great. It's a beast. I've nicknamed it "The Kraken". It's totally deserving of that name. The screen can be pixelated at times, especially when you're viewing thin circles, though the more I use the phone the less I even noticed it. The 198~PPI becomes less of an issue over time, as I have found a "sweet spot" distance when viewing the phone.

--Gorgeous. That's about all I can say. It has excellent color reproduction, and does not over-saturate like the Focus S did. I love the size.

--When I first got the phone, I was a bit scared, as I've never had an aluminum phone. However, once I got to mess with it, and hold it, I realize that I have a great piece of hardware. The phone is sturdy. It performs.

--The OS is flawless with the 1.5ghz processor. You'll notice that specific apps have poor coding, and not so much the actual OS. Everything is buttery smooth. I really enjoy it, and the overclocked CPU only helps. Dual core, need not apply until games catch up.

--The jury is still out. In my house, I get about 1-3 bars of 4g. Out about town, I can see 3-4 bars. I've yet to see 5 bars in a consistent manner. I have noticed, that if I put pressure on the lower left portion of the phone near one of the main antennas, my bars will raise slightly. This could however be from a contact issue, as one of them appears to be bent. This is slightly frustrating to me, as I do not want to have to return this phone while I wait for another to ship out to me.

The biggest culprit for this complaint is that shortly after purchasing the phone I went to a local Wal-Mart about 1-2 minutes from the ATT store. While inside of the Wal-Mart, I had access to Emergency Only calls. In addition, has anyone else noticed that the phone, when started, sits on Emergency Only calls for approximately 30 seconds to a minute before it finds the network?

--I'm extremely please with the sound quality of the device. The built in options make the phone far more desirable than the Focus S. I was very disappointed with the sound options, as it was very heavy on the highs, and had zero lows to be found. In addition, the Focus S had a popping noise when skipping tracks. This does not though, which is great.

--What a monster. I've owned the phone for approximately 2 days now, and I've had to charge it twice after extremely heavy usage. When I take it off the charger the algorithm (which has not fully set in yet) states that it has 1 day 17 hours or so of charge remaining. As of right now, I am looking at 25% Battery remaining, with a Time last charged of 25 hours, with 11 hours remaining. In 5% I am going to be switching over to battery saver, which will eek me another estimated 1-2 hours, bringing me to about 35 hours with light use from here on out.

I'm rocking 15-35 minute push on my email and such, and overall this battery has run absolute circles around my Focus S, and I think once it gets it algorithm in line and adjusted with a few more discharges, it will give my iPhone4 a complete run for it's money.

--The phone is awesome, and if I had to score it 1-10, I would easily give the phone an 8.5. The antenna right now is my biggest concern, but it just might be a bit of bad luck and being somewhat hyper sensitive towards it.

Additional question. Has anyone tried hooking the phone up to a Microcell? I noticed that on my Focus S, the Microcell destroyed it's battery, and upon removing it from the MC, it drained a bit slower than previously. Does anyone have any input on a Titan on Microcell? Thanks!

Hope you enjoyed my mish-mash review! If anyone would like me to make an actual post out of this, PM me and I'll do so. :)

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