Forced to use an iPhone - help!


New member
Jan 3, 2014
So work are forcing me (as part of my employment contract) to use a mobile phone supplied by them. Great in that I won't be paying for the contract anymore however not so great in that I have to have an iPhone 6.

I have protested and held them off the last 4 years using my own Windows Phone for work, but this is no longer possible.

I work with iPads so know my way round iOS, but I hate the layout and the way it works with it being so dependant on apps (who needs them really).

Is there a way to install Windows Phone on an iPhone 6 or am I doomed to the mess that is iOS?

Please help a friend in need guys!
Sorry but you're up the creek, the idea of an iPhone running another OS just won't fly.

it's not so bad though
Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

I'm in your same boat, my boss is a few french fries short of a Happy Meal.

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