i just bought a nexus 7 2012 model which was deemed a pretty good tablet by the tech world ..... it still lags on 4.4.3 and to be honest android is a bit of a mess and a proper data collector ..... it makes me happy to use my 1020 as my daily driver and has completely put me off buying a top end android phone ..... i will be sticking with windows phone and probably selling the nexus 7 and buying a surface2 or dell venue 8 or Toshiba encore 8
the only thing that does annoy me about windows phone is the quality of the apps , things like Skype , whatsapp , instagram and Skype should be equal to apps on other operating systems by now but they aren't , i find this a little worrying ..... then again on the flipside if i download an app on windows phone it works on android it might not ..... perfect example was a family guy app , windows phone i download it and every episode i clicked played , on android every episode i clicked didn't work , little things like that bug me with android and make me smile with windows phone
however as an operating system i much prefer it to android , how fluid it is , how its set up , how you can set it up without spending hours on a home screen because widgets are all different sizes and don't fit together well , its just much more tidy and makes more sense and its getting better and better , it isn't perfect but as another user said i find it a lot less buggy then android
the only thing that does annoy me about windows phone is the quality of the apps , things like Skype , whatsapp , instagram and Skype should be equal to apps on other operating systems by now but they aren't , i find this a little worrying ..... then again on the flipside if i download an app on windows phone it works on android it might not ..... perfect example was a family guy app , windows phone i download it and every episode i clicked played , on android every episode i clicked didn't work , little things like that bug me with android and make me smile with windows phone
however as an operating system i much prefer it to android , how fluid it is , how its set up , how you can set it up without spending hours on a home screen because widgets are all different sizes and don't fit together well , its just much more tidy and makes more sense and its getting better and better , it isn't perfect but as another user said i find it a lot less buggy then android