FULL Nokia Lumia 830 Review

It's not an ATT exclusive. Microsoft sells it unlocked from December last year. The variant is a RM-985 supporting most US GSM LTE and HSPA bands. I'm using one currently.

I know Microsoft sells it itself. But Microsoft is not a carrier. In the USA, the Lumia 830 I an AT&T exclusive device. It's not the only way to get the phone, of course, but it's the only way to get it on a carrier. You can also by the Lumia 830 on Amazon and eBay, but those aren't carriers either.
I know Microsoft sells it itself. But Microsoft is not a carrier. In the USA, the Lumia 830 I an AT&T exclusive device. It's not the only way to get the phone, of course, but it's the only way to get it on a carrier. You can also by the Lumia 830 on Amazon and eBay, but those aren't carriers either.
You know what, just for the sake of not hijacking this thread anymore I'll stop here and leave this discussion for another time. As long as people reading your review know there are other legit ways to buy a better variant than the AT&T RM-983 I should be be fine.
Thanks for posting this in depth user's review. I have been thinking about a Window's phone off and on for a couple of years - almost got one 2 years ago and went with a Z10 instead. I've loved my Z10 - and still do - but I've been feeling like it's time for a change.

I didn't like Windows 8 on a laptop - but I do like 8.1. I haven't read up much on Windows 10 yet - hopefully they don't break too much stuff (isn't that always the way at the start?)

Anyway - I was sold when I saw the blog review on Windows Central for the 830, but your post has solidified in my mind that I've made a good choice. I've got my order put in. Phone should, hopefully, be in in a couple of days.
Thanks for the informative review. Pan happy to say I recently bought myself a 830 for just $189 (mine was a demo model-said CV AU DEMO on the box with the Microsoft demo stuff on but I easily hard reset & restored so I can use it myself)

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