GDR1 Waiting room.

I've just heard that MS are only going to release GDR1 to real developers as a closed beta, as they are fed up of wading through loads of e-mails, tweets etc which are just loads of complaints, instead of accurate bug reports.... Apparently this takes up so much of their time, and delays any updates.

So don't hold your breath people.... Blame yourselves!!!!

Of course it is BS...
I'm trying to make a point.

I know someone who works for MS (not in WP division). Apparently there is talk about making the next OS - Threshold, a closed beta as a lot of 'bug fix' time is wasted from incoherent and abusive reports.

If you do find a bug, then by all means let MS know. But, please make it professional: NOT "This is s**t. Why can't it be like the old Music Hub" etc..

Please state the bug, and a report of what the actual problem is... This way, the bugs can be tracked down quicker and fixed accordingly...

This was a public service announcement....
it not a week today as joe tweeted it on 30th
that it will be coming next week
so i think we sholud wait for d week to get over!(i also want it now)

and the one who is saying that it is coming only to closed beta members
is telling a lie bcoz:
joe stated that if u r not on pfd then u cn sign up for it nd u r ready to get it
that means its for all!!!!!

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