Ghost images on my screen


New member
Aug 14, 2011
I'm guessing this isn't normal for a brand new phone? I see them in emails (screen symbols like the plus with a circle around it), and when the keyboard comes up, there is a stripe across the middle of the letters on a white screen.


Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
I haven't noticed any ghost images.

Sent from my SGH-i937 Focus S using Board Express!
After a few months of usage on my original focus I started getting burned in images that never went away. I can't imagine this is the same thing you are experiencing after just a few weeks of use, but I will use this opportunity to say, be extremely careful with that samoled screen. Don't leave your phone screen on unless you are using it; ie sitting on your desk with the home screen blasting away on high brightness. Yes, it looks cool. But yes, it looks crappy if you end up having the email and phone tile burned into your screen for all to see ;)
After a few months of usage on my original focus I started getting burned in images that never went away. I can't imagine this is the same thing you are experiencing after just a few weeks of use, but I will use this opportunity to say, be extremely careful with that samoled screen. Don't leave your phone screen on unless you are using it; ie sitting on your desk with the home screen blasting away on high brightness. Yes, it looks cool. But yes, it looks crappy if you end up having the email and phone tile burned into your screen for all to see ;)

Yeah, the old Focus display models were awful about this because they would leave the screen on 24x7. I think they got smart after I pointed it out to them, they aren't running that demo software anymore on any of their Windows Phone display models. I hope the burn-in doesn't set in even quicker on the S. I'll have to tell my wife to set her screen timeout to 1 minute or less.

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