[REVIEW] AUKEY RGB Mechanical Keyboard (KM-G3)

Adam Matlock

New member
Mar 28, 2017

If you are reading this review then it's probably for one of 2 reasons. First, you're wondering what a mechanical keyboard is. second, you're wondering if this is a decent mechanical keyboard and if it's worth your while. Well, hopefully I will answer both of those questions in this review period I have been using this keyboard for the last week, and this review covers my thoughts and impressions of the keyboard. I have a lot of experience using mechanical keyboards and currently use a corsair mechanical keyboard with cherry MX Switches On my personal desktop, so I have a little bit of a solid background when it comes to the subject. However, today I'm here to talk about the RGB mechanical backlit keyboard by a AUKEY.


- 104 button Mechanical Keyboard
- RGB backlit keys with 10 custom patterns, and 5 programmable color schemes
- Rated for 50mil keystrokes
- Built with Blue Outemu Switches
- N-Key Rollover
- Anti-Ghosting
- AUKEY's 2-year Product Warranty


What is a Mechanical Keyboard: A mechanical keyboard is different than a standard keyboard, in that, it uses individual mechanical switches which are activated with springs, versus a rubber mat overlay with little rubberized caps. Mechanical keyboards by their very nature are much more reliable, dependable, and durable than their standard keyboard counterparts because of the manufacturing differences. The lifespan of mechanical keyboard is significantly longer, – this one is rated for 50mil keypresses - the accuracy is much higher and the positive feedback that you get from the keys is a) more tactile and b) more responsive. Another wonderful feature about mechanical keyboards is that typically they don't suffer from key rollover issues. What are key rollover issues? Key rollover is the way that the buttons and their feedback are registered whenever you press them. Mechanical keyboards typically have key rollovers of at least 6, versus 2 on standard keyboard. What this means is that you can press multiple keys at once and they will all register, or they will register correctly because their individually recognized for each button that you press. Whereas, with standard keyboards the rollover is typically 2 keys, so you can't press more than 2 keys at once and have them register correctly – generally the computer pretends like the third or more key pressed wasn’t actually pressed. This also ties into anti-ghosting. Mechanical keyboards typically have anti-ghosting, which means that whenever you press more than two keys, that no “ghost” keypresses show up, meaning that only the keys that you press will display or register while you’re typing. SO… what does all of this mean? It means that you can press all of the buttons on the keyboard at once, as fast as they want, and they will all register!


The AUKEY RGB Mechanical Keyboard (KM-G3): This keyboard has it all! It comes complete with n-key rollover, anti-ghosting, a brushed-aluminum faceplate, and 10 different LED modes. It provides a seamless, accurate, and enjoyable typing experience throughout the full range of the keyboard. This keyboard is great for casual usage, word processing, gaming, and everything else under the sun. You can type as fast as you want, you can play games, you can do pretty much anything in the world you can possibly think to do with a keyboard. The individual switches that are activated by keypresses have special blue Outemu mechanical switches versus the standard Cherry MX switches, which is perfectly fine and pretty much on par for as far as I can tell. My other keyboard is a Cherry MX keyboard, which has been the standard for a very long time, but lately so many different manufacturers have been making mechanical keyboards that they have drifted away from the standard and established new technologies and switches within the mechanical keyboard world. One other wonderful feature about mechanical keyboards is the clickity clackity sounds that the keys make, versus the muted and inconsistent sounds and feedback that standard keyboards make using the rubber membrane overlay design. The differences between these 2 systems is huge, and the lifespan that you're going to get out of the mechanical keyboard is going to pay itself back in dividends over the years. Mechanical keyboards are designed to withstand key presses well into the millions, which will take you a very, very, long time to get to. In addition to that, since most everything is metal and springs versus rubber dimples that activate tiny little sensors on the keyboard, you can imagine that the experience is probably much more efficient and durable.


Lights and Stuff: Not only do you get a quality and enjoyable typing experience with this keyboard, you also get a wonderful LED light show, that you can change between 10 different modes for your own individual enjoyment. This keyboard is sure to impress not only you, but your friends and anybody else that happens to see you when you're using it. The different modes really add character and a special sense of customization to the keyboard that really helps it stand out from just being a normal, everyday mechanical keyboard. For instance, my current keyboard made by Corsair only lights up in red, and you can't adjust the brightness, you can't adjust the color, and you can't adjust any different display patterns because they just aren't there. With this keyboard, you can change between red, green, purple, pink, orange color blue, yellow… well, you get the picture. In addition to being able to change between the colors, you can even turn the lights off and go full stealth mode. A bonus to all these different color options is that you can have the keys light up in different display patterns from a wavy rainbow that starts at one end and scrolls across to the other lighting up the keys and full synchronization all the way across from one into the other, to a raindrop pattern that acts like a ripple in a pond whenever you press the key. You can even have it set up to where whenever you press a key, only that key lights up, so as you're typing or pressing the keys, which creates cool little patterns on the keyboard as you move your fingers across the keyboard. One of my personal favorite modes that this keyboard has is the chase mode, which I named myself. The keys light up in each individual colors starting with the escape key and scrolling all the way to the end and then going to the next row and going all the way back , and so on and so forth until it gets all the way to the bottom-left CTRL key, at which point it goes in reverse order all the way until the keyboard is unlit again. it's pretty neat!


The Typing Experience: The typing experience on this keyboard is excellent, and just as good as any other mechanical keyboard that I have tried to date. The feedback is quick and enjoyable, the key presses are accurate, and the light show and the options built into the keyboard are really cool and unique. If you already have a mechanical keyboard and you're looking for something that gives you a little bit extra on top of what you're using already, such as the cool lights and patterns, then this could be an excellent upgrade. If you're using a standard keyboard and you're tired of the inconsistent keypresses, the shoddy keypress feedback, and inability to press more than 2 keys at once, then this is a no brainer. The only perceivable downside to switching to a mechanical keyboard is the amount of noise that they make, which is characteristic of mechanical keyboards. Some people do not like hearing all the noise associated with pressing the keys. However, if you enjoy the sound of the keyboard then you're going to love it and everything else that comes along with it. Plus, if you're a gamer and typically wear a headset then you’re not going to hear the keys anyway. However, that's not to detract from a legitimate complaint if somebody doesn't like the louder clicking noise associated with pressing the buttons. I have thoroughly enjoyed using's this keyboard and the light affects have been a real treat.


Conclusion: If you're interested in picking up a mechanical keyboard, then the AUKEY RGB mechanical keyboard is definitely a solid option. Not only does it get you past the entry level mechanical keyboards that don't have cool lighting effects, but it's also a reliable brand name, the price is low, and the capabilities and characteristics of this keyboard are top notch for the price bracket. Most mechanical keyboards are typically $70 ranging all the way up over $120. There are so many different brands when it comes to mechanical keyboards, and there really there isn't much difference – in my opinion. There's only so much that you can do to mechanical keyboard to set it aside from other keyboards. A lot of the gaming oriented mechanical keyboards have lots of customizable keys, which is nice if you need them. This keyboard does not have all of those customizable keys. However, if you are an old school gamer and you're not used to using all of the special buttons that go along with these modern keyboards for these crazy games at kids/adults are playing now ‘days, then you’re really aren’t going to miss out on anything. Honestly, it's really nice and refreshing to just have a normal keyboard layout that I'm used to typing on and also used to playing with, that doesn't take up a bunch of space and have a bunch of extra switches and lights and buttons that I need to worry about. At 69.99, this keyboard is well-built and has lots of fantastic features that make it a great deal at this price point.

If you’re interested in picking up one of AUKEY’s RGB Mechanical Keyboards, you can find them on Aukey’s website, where there is a drop-down button with a list of options for the appropriate Amazon link - https://www.aukey.com/products/rgb-mechanical-keyboard-with-blue-switches - The keyboard is currently priced at $69.99, and if you buy it now (12 August 2018), there is an additional coupon option on the Amazon sale page. The keyboard also qualifies for Amazon Prime 2-day shipping if you’re a Amazon Prime member.

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