go big or go home.....


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Oct 22, 2012
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I have a Lumia 1020 which I have no issues with, but seem to be flirting with the 1520. My wife has the 920 and my contract is up in April. I could give her the 1020 get the 1520 for me on next att crap. Sell the 920 and then keep that money for any new phones that come out later this year that I want to buy out right.

just how big is it ?:smile:

Citizen X

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May 11, 2013
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The phone is big. There is no denying that. But if you are a guy and not a hipster who wears tight jeans it is pocketable. Really the size is a very personal issue. I personally like/hate the size. The phone doesn't just disappear like the Lumia 900. It is omnipresent. Having said that it is not as HUGE as most reviews make it out to be. For a big guy who wears normal pants it is manageable. Heck I know girls who have it. When it comes to using the device and consuming media it really shines. The extra real estate is luxurious. Honestly it kind of kills my desire to get a tablet. I still want a tablet to do USB stuff and HDMI out, but for web browsing, reading news, and watching TV/movies the 1520 kinda kills the whole idea of getting a tablet.

The phone is also snappy. I used a relatives a few weeks ago and thought it was an improvement over the Lumia 900 but now that I have my own I think the speed improvement is substantial. I don't know how fast the 1020 is. But it is definitely worth the upgrade from a Lumia 900. No doubt about that... as long as the size works for you.


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Dec 3, 2011
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If you read a lot of reviews around here, you'll see that after a bit of use, people wind up in one of two camps:

A) Some (like myself) get used to the 1520, and everything else seems tiny in comparison and can't think of going back to anything smaller.
B) Some never get over the size and end up returning it for a 1020 or something.

From the reviews I've read on here, and with 0 scientific counting/tallying/anything, it seems like at a least a 2/3rds majority or more end up falling into camp A


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Dec 1, 2012
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If you read a lot of reviews around here, you'll see that after a bit of use, people wind up in one of two camps:

A) Some (like myself) get used to the 1520, and everything else seems tiny in comparison and can't think of going back to anything smaller.
B) Some never get over the size and end up returning it for a 1020 or something.

From the reviews I've read on here, and with 0 scientific counting/tallying/anything, it seems like at a least a 2/3rds majority or more end up falling into camp A

I believe you're correct. The same thing happens with Samsung's Note devices. In fact, I wouldn't doubt that even iUsers who go from an iPhone 4s size to the 5 or 5c/s are blown away by the size! ;-)


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Sep 7, 2012
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Hm.. I would say that it is not pockatable in anything other than cargo pants.

Depends on the person I think. So far it has been sitting comfortably in my pocket in about 4 pairs of jeans and 2 pairs of dress pants. Just depends how big your pockets are.

Nisse Tuta

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Dec 22, 2012
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Hm.. I would say that it is not pockatable in anything other than cargo pants.
IMO you exaggerate.
I have regular jeans. Not in any way baggy nor hipster tight. Regular, straight up blue jeans.
It fits without any problem, ands, ifs or buts.

It actually feels smaller then the 920 because its thiner, but it feels a bit heavier, so I say even steven


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May 1, 2013
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I have a 928 on Verizon, and I've been considering switching to AT&T. Today I stopped by an AT&T store to check out the 1520 - I loved it. I found it more manageable in my hand than I imagined I might. Granted I am 6'2" (though I wouldn't say my hands are any larger than normal for a guy my size), but I did not feel like it was overly difficult to maneuver with one hand. I found the matte finish on the body made it easier to slide slightly in my hand for particularly far finger stretches compared to my glossy 928, which sticks a bit. Even with the bulky security case from the AT&T store's display I was able to use it fine.

It felt light and high quality - it's actually a little bit thinner than my 928, which again contributed to its manageability. I'm about 95% sure at this point that I'm going to jump ship to AT&T - partly for the 1520 but also just because of their superior support of WP. As many others have described, even just looking at the 1520 in the store today, my 928 seems oddly small.


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Aug 27, 2011
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I received mines Saturday instant love Don't get me wrong I love my 900 but this is a whole new world. The size of the phone is not and issue except for gawkers asking to see it. Go on give it a shot it's truly a joy to own

Michael Knowles2

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Jan 28, 2014
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I instantly fell in love with my big yellow beasty. I wasn't sure how I would adjust since my hands are only average in size but if anything I don't mind the size one bit. I'm coming from an 808 pureview and I was forced was wait until today to have my sim card cut again... had to make a few calls and I swear going back to the 4" screen was awkward.

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