Good times; future fragmentation of Windows Phone


New member
Nov 9, 2014
You know, I've worked in tech long enough to know when I hear something that is entirely too good to be true. So this I don't post this for myself. I post it on behalf of all of those consumers that were hoping for new software that will not be made available on Windows Phone 8.1, such as a new version of Office. There is a strong possibility that all of us with 512 MB phones, myself included, will be left out in the cold, with respect to Windows 10. When Microsoft Mobile alludes to the idea that low powered Windows phones will not receive Windows 10; I pretty much have read the writing on the wall.

I was not expecting to run Windows 10 well. Now, am I to believe that I probably won't get to run it at all? Is it any wonder they demo 10 on a 1520? If developers take to 10 and start to ignore 8.1 and I don't get 10 I'm already obsolete, unless Microsoft itself creates decent apps for 8.1, and why would they at this point?
You know, I've worked in tech long enough to know when I hear something that is entirely too good to be true. So this I don't post this for myself. I post it on behalf of all of those consumers that were hoping for new software that will not be made available on Windows Phone 8.1, such as a new version of Office. There is a strong possibility that all of us with 512 MB phones, myself included, will be left out in the cold, with respect to Windows 10. When Microsoft Mobile alludes to the idea that low powered Windows phones will not receive Windows 10; I pretty much have read the writing on the wall.

I was not expecting to run Windows 10 well. Now, am I to believe that I probably won't get to run it at all? Is it any wonder they demo 10 on a 1520? If developers take to 10 and start to ignore 8.1 and I don't get 10 I'm already obsolete, unless Microsoft itself creates decent apps for 8.1, and why would they at this point?

whats the point of this post, Joe B confirmed that all WP8.1 devices WILL get windows 10.

All modern Windows Phones can get Windows 10, flagship 'later this summer' | Windows Central
But off course do not expect that all new features (what ever they may be) will run on the 512 devices. Or if they run that they will run as smooth as on a snapdragon 800 device.
Specially if firmware updates are needed as in denim to improve the camera. (930/icon, 1520 and partly the 830)
So? What should MS do, only offer features that run on the worst of the hardware capable of running W10? It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that bottom of the line phones might not do all the same stuff as flagship phones.

This reply was intended for the OP who started this post. So to make it clear that windows 10 will be available for 512 mb devices but with some limitations.
For you and me it's probably clear that hardware has it's limitations but did you read the gazillion posts on the 1020 not getting the camera improvement's?
whats the point of this post, Joe B confirmed that all WP8.1 devices WILL get windows 10.

All modern Windows Phones can get Windows 10, flagship 'later this summer' | Windows Central
The point of the post is that we already have contradictory statements coming from Microsoft. This leads me to believe that it either will not happen, or that you need a more powerful phone to get the best of Windows 10.

Microsoft needs to be consistent in their presentation of Windows 10, and future development of Windows Phone 8.1, whether that is apps, or new features.
^ Could you please provide a source for those contradictory statements? Where does MS say not all WP devices will receive W10?

Without a source I'd be inclined to close the thread.
This reply was intended for the OP who started this post. So to make it clear that windows 10 will be available for 512 mb devices but with some limitations.
For you and me it's probably clear that hardware has it's limitations but did you read the gazillion posts on the 1020 not getting the camera improvement's?
It is clear to me. Microsoft needs to be clear on whether or not devices get Windows 10 or not, what parts of Windows 10 users will get, and explain to those who aren't, why it was not in their best interest for them to receive it.
I think that maybe you have lost site of the fact that as technology moves on, at some point, past hardware will not be able to keep up. I think the 512 mb phones was MS way to build a good solid phone and be able to sell for less money. Those buyers knew at the time that these phones would be left behind at some point.

Those of us that bought the 1 GB and higher phones knew that our phones would one day be made obsolete. That's is the way of the tech world.

My point is you bought a phone that you should have known would be rendered obsolete sooner than others available to you at the time.

Bring on the heat,
Not every phone will upgrade... True enough. Only 57% of users have updated from 8 to 8.1. Some users simply won't. Others will be blocked by their carrier (T-Mo Lumia 810 anybody?). This is a tempest in a teapot. Microsoft wants everyone to move forward to 10, they are banking on increased market share in all sectors by unifying the platforms. They must also be realistic. No, not every phone will upgrade.

Will Windows 10 run smooth on low end hardware? As smooth as they can make it. But let's face reality here. In what ecosystem does any budget phone match the features and fluidity of a high end model. NONE. And don't you dare throw iOS in there. The last gen devices always get left out of something the year before they get EOLed.

Fragmentation? Not really. Windows Phone does a way better job of bringing every device forward and making the UX homogenous than Android ever has.

If you expect a Lumia 520 to perform the same as a 1520 on ANY OS version you are smoking something you need to put down.
Have you seen The Verge's post on Windows 10 for phones? One of the photos was a Lumia 630 running on it. Now I'm not saying that ALL features will work on low memory devices, but I'm sure that all devices will get Windows 10.
EDIT: PS. They can't afford not to support low memory devices because they're the majority of Windows Phone.
It is clear to me. Microsoft needs to be clear on whether or not devices get Windows 10 or not, what parts of Windows 10 users will get, and explain to those who aren't, why it was not in their best interest for them to receive it.

MS will do when W10 is ready to be released or wait atleast until MWC
I think that maybe you have lost site of the fact that as technology moves on, at some point, past hardware will not be able to keep up. I think the 512 mb phones was MS way to build a good solid phone and be able to sell for less money. Those buyers knew at the time that these phones would be left behind at some point.

Those of us that bought the 1 GB and higher phones knew that our phones would one day be made obsolete. That's is the way of the tech world.

My point is you bought a phone that you should have known would be rendered obsolete sooner than others available to you at the time.

Bring on the heat,

I definitely agree. To be fair, the 635 was better than what I was using, and I only paid $40. It is not just my daily driver, but the only phone I'm using at the moment.

There is nothing wrong with 8.1. I'm just wondering if I will get the new Office updates, or any of the other cool Windows 10 integration.
Not every phone will upgrade... True enough. Only 57% of users have updated from 8 to 8.1. Some users simply won't. Others will be blocked by their carrier (T-Mo Lumia 810 anybody?). This is a tempest in a teapot. Microsoft wants everyone to move forward to 10, they are banking on increased market share in all sectors by unifying the platforms. They must also be realistic. No, not every phone will upgrade.

Will Windows 10 run smooth on low end hardware? As smooth as they can make it. But let's face reality here. In what ecosystem does any budget phone match the features and fluidity of a high end model. NONE. And don't you dare throw iOS in there. The last gen devices always get left out of something the year before they get EOLed.

Fragmentation? Not really. Windows Phone does a way better job of bringing every device forward and making the UX homogenous than Android ever has.

If you expect a Lumia 520 to perform the same as a 1520 on ANY OS version you are smoking something you need to put down.
Speaking of iOS the 4s did not receive the upgrade to iOS 8, and iOS 7 is slow in comparison (to iOS 6) on the same hardware.
Have you seen The Verge's post on Windows 10 for phones? One of the photos was a Lumia 630 running on it. Now I'm not saying that ALL features will work on low memory devices, but I'm sure that all devices will get Windows 10.
EDIT: PS. They can't afford not to support low memory devices because they're the majority of Windows Phone.
Well, I didn't want to go there but since you have that is why I stress the importance of being clear as to what Windows 10 will mean to the majority of the ecosystem, which is low budget, and may not be able to afford another phone until Christmas.
People always want to run their divices on the latest software. I am always wondering about that. Nobody belives a 1970 xt computer capable of running Windows 8.1 with 640k memory and a hard disk of 10 Mb, but when a new operating system of a phone demands 1 G instead of 512 Mb the world is too small and MS is the worst company ever.

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