Got One. Initial Impressions....

I got one in the UK about a week ago, I was surprised by the battery life as I have 2 exchange accounts and one Live and the battery lasts much longer than my LG Optimus 7. In all it's a great phone, with just 2 negatives; no gorilla glass and it's not easy to hold, I think it's going to slip out of my hand the whole time (did once too). The 2nd issue was resolved with a gel case, so easily sorted.

which gel case? would you recommend it? pics? thanks, sir!
How about signal issues? Anyone having issues with 4G signal seeming 'weaker' in areas where it shouldn't be?
How about signal issues? Anyone having issues with 4G signal seeming 'weaker' in areas where it shouldn't be?

I'll chime in on this: my Focus S had five bars nearly all the time, now it seems I'm getting three bars more often with the Titan. Bleh :(
I'll chime in on this: my Focus S had five bars nearly all the time, now it seems I'm getting three bars more often with the Titan. Bleh :(

Thanks for the info. I'm noticing the same. Got a 'generic' HTC 'clean the connectors in the phone' response. Need to do more research over the next couple days myself.

Other than that though, this phone is pretty amazing!
The phone would be great but anything that requires data is sloooooooooooooow. I didn't get to test 4g for very long and no carrier has good signal at my house so I can't comment if it is just wifi or anything data related but if I can't get better data performance it's going back soon. I kept my HTC Evo just in case...
My battery is wrecking my focus S. I'm up to 21 hours with 37% remaining and it estimates at minimum another 15 hours with very little interaction. 2 day battery estimates crush my iPhone 4. To make matters even better, the phone hasn't fully set in the algorithm yet, and I've only charged it twice since I received it two days ago after extremely heavy use.
Thats about worthless. Flashes when its charged, really? I hope they give it more use. If its got orange red and green I hope they can put it to more use.

Sounds like there is potential for HTC to add in additional functionality through an update.

I'd love to see the LED be used for notifications. It may not be able to do so with 3rd party apps, since the LED isn't an official WP7 thing. But I could see HTC having it work with email, text, and calls. Having the option to check/uncheck which ones it would work on would be awesome too. And heck, maybe even different blinking options depending on what you missed.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. lol
User issues but not show stoppers

Titan impressions: Well first thing is I am experiencing an issue with connecting to my wireless n router if I am not broadcasting the SSID. If I broadcast it works fine.
Second, I can?t seem to figure out how to set a vibrate only notification for text and im messages and leave the other notifications to be ringtones.
Lastly, I am now noticing that my pop e-mail account does not leave a copy of messages on the server, so if I delete it off my phone the message is deleted from the server as well. I usually leave all my mail on the server and then let Outlook pull the mail down when I check mail from my desktop.
If anyone knows if I am missing something for these let me know.
Otherwise the phone is awesome
WiFi issues fixed...not sure how but everything is as expected now. I never saw any updates. The biggest pain so far is the inability to sync shared gmail calendars. ...there are apps for that but I'd rather not have to pay.

Other than that...awesome phone and WP is and awesome interface.
Titan impressions: Well first thing is I am experiencing an issue with connecting to my wireless n router if I am not broadcasting the SSID. If I broadcast it works fine.
Second, I can?t seem to figure out how to set a vibrate only notification for text and im messages and leave the other notifications to be ringtones.
Lastly, I am now noticing that my pop e-mail account does not leave a copy of messages on the server, so if I delete it off my phone the message is deleted from the server as well. I usually leave all my mail on the server and then let Outlook pull the mail down when I check mail from my desktop.
If anyone knows if I am missing something for these let me know.
Otherwise the phone is awesome
What are you using? Gmail? Live?
What are you using? Gmail? Live?
Verizon for e-mail as I have Fios. On my old LG Expo I had the option under settings to leave a copy of the message on the server. For me it works best that I can keep the cell e-mail clean and then at the end of the day pull all the mail down to outlook on my PC.
Are you having FPS stuttering and whatnot that was reported in the official reviews?
I can say with certainty after hanging up the phone with customer service that AT&T placed a credit on my account ten minutes ago for the 199.99 + tax for my HTC Titan I picked up this PAST Sunday. Happy shopping all. (I also verified my account now has a credit balance when looking online). Yea, no bill for December and a new phone!!!!!
Ryosten, check this out for Google shared calendars:

Sync Multiple Google Calendars With Windows Phone 7 Mango

Also, I've noticed that when i add something to one of my shared calendars, it adds to my calendar as well. I may have found a way around that too...will post later if it works.

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So, if you use IE and go to and then sign in, you get a very basic, almost unusable interface on WP7. After signing in, change the address bar to match this:

That will give you the full desktop site and it does work to add items, though a mobile interface would be nice.

I did try the mobile calendar link from my old iPhone but it didn't work on my phone. I just saved the render URL as a favorite on my phone.
Battery status AND missed calls. If my light turned on for messaging, email, FB & Twitter, it would never turn off. Silly idea. That's what the audible tone and lock screen is for.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
It also seems to light up when I get a call too. This thing is pretty nice and a welcome upgrade from the Focus. Best penny I've ever spent. ;)
Verizon for e-mail as I have Fios. On my old LG Expo I had the option under settings to leave a copy of the message on the server. For me it works best that I can keep the cell e-mail clean and then at the end of the day pull all the mail down to outlook on my PC.
Then I'm unsure... I have FiOS, but would never touch their email, in case I'm ever in a town w/o FiOS or I leave for a better deal.
I have too many different personal emails but I have moved a few to allow Live to be the MTA. With the ability to check other accounts on Live, I might finally be able to move everything into just a couple of boxes.
I personally forward my various email addresses to my personal domain email account. This way there is only a single copy of my emails in a single inbox. I have my personal account set up with a hosted exchange service. It really makes managing my email a cinch.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I have to say I'm highly impressed with the performance of the Titan and the screen is better IMHO from a legibility and screen clarity perspective. Typing is much easier than on the Focus (not S) I had previously. The speed increase and connection to WiFi and what appears to be "4G" has been fine so far. I agree the buttons could either bumped up a little or made slighlty, and I mean slightly. I did notice the LED comes on after a missed call too. Not sure if you guys have mentioned that already - sorry if ya did.

Overall this is the device for me and it's an excellent work phone. Docs and web pages are easier to read for me.

One little thing I notice and I wanted to see if anyone else had this:

If you are listening to music and use Bing, on the initial screen the audio changes to move of a Mono sound. I assume that's changing because of the voice function kicking in. At first I thought I pulled my headphones out slightly but it seems to be just with the initial Bing screen. Not a big deal but wanted to mention any little quirks I've experienced.

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