its gona be funny to see MS realse a Update with EVERy thing on it
peiople selling there phones on e-bay are gona be kicking them self .
Like the iphone , id rather have NO CUSTOM ring tones insted of a phone that has no Interactive wiggets/icons , No interface aside from dumb ENDLESS list of icons.
thats breaks the first time you drop it cause its freakign made of the SAME stuff that HUMPTY DUMPTY is made of , HAHAHA need glue?
well hopefully we get the good things in the update, i know IM clients are comming , copy-past is comming, Mulsty task is not sure yet but probly comming .
Custom ring tones probly will comes but it usless , if my phone rings I PICK UP! lol i dont like having to Open up SHAZAM every time my phone ring to know who it is LOL