Looking for app which can give following information :
PS Test has five screens full of information: -
1) GPS signal (SNR) bar chart, showing the signal strength for each satellite, as well as the accuracy and status of the GPS.
2) Satellite positions in the sky (skyview), shown on a rotating compass.
3) Your current location on the earth shown as text and on a world map. The current position of the sun and the day/night transition curve is also shown.
4) Your current speed, heading and altitude shown as text.
5) The current time read from the GPS and the local time in your current timezone, as well as the sunrise and sunset times at your location.
There are few android apps for above. But does any body know if anything similar available in Windows ?
PS Test has five screens full of information: -
1) GPS signal (SNR) bar chart, showing the signal strength for each satellite, as well as the accuracy and status of the GPS.
2) Satellite positions in the sky (skyview), shown on a rotating compass.
3) Your current location on the earth shown as text and on a world map. The current position of the sun and the day/night transition curve is also shown.
4) Your current speed, heading and altitude shown as text.
5) The current time read from the GPS and the local time in your current timezone, as well as the sunrise and sunset times at your location.
There are few android apps for above. But does any body know if anything similar available in Windows ?