Best Buy has debuted its Black Friday deals a few days ahead of schedule, including considerable savings on Microsoft's new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S controllers launched less than two weeks ago. The retailer has knocked one third off the revised Xbox gamepads, with its Carbon Black and Robot White designs dropping to $39.99, and the special edition Shock Blue now $44.99.
The new Xbox controllers bring various enhancements, including improved ergonomics, textured triggers, a new d-pad, and a dedicated share button — and even awarded Windows Central's best Xbox controller in 2020. They work on Xbox One consoles, the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, and mobile and PC.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...
The new Xbox controllers bring various enhancements, including improved ergonomics, textured triggers, a new d-pad, and a dedicated share button — and even awarded Windows Central's best Xbox controller in 2020. They work on Xbox One consoles, the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, and mobile and PC.
Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...