Groove Music

Henry Linc

New member
Mar 30, 2017
I'm in the slow ring, but can anyone tell me why my Groove Music still doesn't have the mini-view feature? and the top border still the black one... I read about some of the features disappear in the Announcement in the Feedback Hub... but until when? the announcement was, 2 month ago I think..
It should be there already, the mini-view has been implemented for a while now, which is already available even on public builds. You have to go to Now Playing page and the button for Mini-View is over there.

In regards to top window border being black one, that has been a polish problem since Windows 10 first introduction and never fixed. Nobody seem to care or their engineering team having bothered with it, except for people who are people with high-attention to detail like designers that continually being annoyed with unpolished areas in the OS.
No, the mini-view is not there in Now Playing page... I had it before, I mean long ago... but then it's gone... until now. I'm in build 16299.15 and still the feature is missing.

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